#deserialize #packet #binary-data #binary-encoding #networking #integer #data-encoding


Simple binary (de)serialization library with a main usecase of network packets

1 unstable release

0.1.1 Sep 8, 2024

#1798 in Encoding

Download history 75/week @ 2024-09-02 121/week @ 2024-09-09

196 downloads per month


186 lines


packet-binser is a Rust library with a main goal of (de)serialization of network packets. It can be used for any binary data as a #[header] is not required.

It provides default implementations for common types and allows for easy implementations with an optional derive macro.


  • Default implementations for primitive types, Option, Vec, arrays, and String.
  • Derive macros available to automatically implement serialization and deserialization.
  • Supports variable-length integer encoding with packet_binser::varint::Variable<T>. Signed integers are supported via zigzag encoding.

Getting Started

Add to Cargo.toml

Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

packet-binser = "0.1.0" # or packet-binser = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["derive"] }

Example Usage (Without derive)

use packet_binser::{PacketSerde, BytesReadExt, BytesWriteExt, lbytes};

struct HandshakePacket(u8);

impl PacketSerde for HandshakePacket {
   fn serialize<B: BytesWriteExt>(&self, buffer: &mut B) -> Result<(), lbytes::Error> {
      buffer.write_u8(0x1)?; // packet id, not read in deserialize since it should be read elsewhere
	fn deserialize<B: BytesReadExt>(buffer: &mut B) -> Result<Self, lbytes::Error> {

Example Usage (With derive)

use packet_binser::derive::PacketSerde;

struct HandshakePacket(u8);


We provide implementations of the PacketSerde trait for primitive types, arrays, vectors, Option, and String.

Builtin Types

The following builtin types are supported:

  • u8, u16, u32, u64, u128
  • i8, i16, i32, i64, i128
  • f32, f64
  • bool
  • std::string::String

Arrays and Vectors

Requires the inner type to impl PacketSerde.


Requires the inner type to impl PacketSerde.


This project is dual licensed under both the MIT License and Apache License 2.0.

Feel free to open an issue at if you encounter any problems or have suggestions.


~17K SLoC