Cargo Features

oxidd-cli = { version = "0.3.0", default-features = false, features = ["multi-threading", "manager-index", "manager-pointer", "apply-cache-direct-mapped", "statistics"] }
default = apply-cache-direct-mapped, manager-index, multi-threading

These default features are set whenever oxidd-cli is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

multi-threading default

Use multi-threaded implementations of the apply algorithm

Enables multi-threading of oxidd

manager-index default

Use the index-based manager implementation

This implementation is generally faster than the pointer-based implementation, but is more restricted: There is no possibility to reserve space for more nodes after the initial allocation and the total number of nodes is limited to 2³² nodes for BDDs/ZBDDs, or 2³¹ nodes for BCDDs.

Enables manager-index of oxidd


Use the pointer-based manager implementation (suitable for BDDs/ZBDDs with more than 2³² nodes, or BCDDs with more than 2³¹ nodes)

If both manager-index and manager-pointer are specified, the pointer-based implementation will be used.

Enables manager-pointer of oxidd

apply-cache-direct-mapped default

Enable the direct mapped apply cache

Enables apply-cache-direct-mapped of oxidd


Enable statistics (will harm performance)

Enables statistics of oxidd