#bittorrent #cli-client #applications #oxidation

app oxi

A bare-bones CLI client for oxidation

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 Feb 11, 2018

#59 in #cli-client

MPL-2.0 license



oxi is a client for oxidation, a bittorrent server. This is an extremely basic client, that will be able to operate in two modes:


Immediate mode retains no client state - oxi starts, queries the server or gives it information, returns whatever it recieves, and exits. It's more used for peeking and poking, instead of being a monitoring or interactive application.


Active mode is stateful - an ncurses interface for continually interacting with an oxidation server. This is more like a traditional torrent client, in the fact that you'll have a constant bead on the state of each torrent, and be able to add more torrents or stop torrents actively.

No runtime deps