#failure #error-value #outcome #eyre #result #debugging #read-write

no-std outcome-46f94afc-026f-5511-9d7e-7d1fd495fb5c

Augmentations for error propagation

2 releases

0.1.1 Jul 12, 2022
0.1.0 Jan 16, 2022
0.0.2 Jan 16, 2022
0.0.1 Jan 16, 2022
0.0.0 Jul 20, 2021

#915 in Rust patterns

Used in rapt_derive

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


Audit Pull Request codecov Documentation

Outcome<S, M, F> is an augmentation of the Result type found in the Rust standard library.

It is an enum with the variants

  • Success(S), representing success and containing a value
  • Mistake(M), representing an optionally retryable error and containing a value
  • Failure(F), representing failure and containing a value.
enum Outcome<S, M, F> {

Outcome is an augmentation to Result. It adds a third state to the "success or failure" dichotomy that Result<T, E> models. This third state is that of a soft or retryable error. A retryable error is one where an operation might not have succeeded, either due to other operations (e.g., a disk read or write not completing), misconfiguration (e.g., forgetting to set a specific flag before calling a function), or busy resources (e.g., attempting to lock an audio, video, or database resource).

use outcome::prelude::*;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Version { V1, V2 }

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct EmptyInput;

fn parse_version(header: &[u8]) -> Outcome<Version, EmptyInput, &'static str> {
  match header.get(0) {
    None => Mistake(EmptyInput),
    Some(&1) => Success(Version::V1),
    Some(&2) => Success(Version::V2),
    Some(_) => Failure("invalid or unknown version"),

let version = parse_version(&[]);
assert_eq!(version, Mistake(EmptyInput));


At this time, the name outcome is already taken on crates.io. As crates.io does not yet support namespaces or collections, we've had to take a unique approach to still publish the crate. To do this, we've generated a UUIDv5 string via python:

from uuid import *
print(uuid5(uuid5(NAMESPACE_DNS, "occult.work"), "outcome"))

This should generate the string 46f94afc-026f-5511-9d7e-7d1fd495fb5c. Thus the dependency in your Cargo.toml will look something like:

outcome-46f94afc-026f-5511-9d7e-7d1fd495fb5c = "*"

However, the exported library is still named outcome, so importing it is treated the same:

use outcome::prelude::*;

Users can also work around this by using the package key in their dependency declaration:

version = "*"
package = "outcome-46f94afc-026f-5511-9d7e-7d1fd495fb5c"

Is this solution friendly to users? No, but neither is the lack of namespacing nor a squatting policy on crates.io. If/when this problem is resolved, this crate's documentation (and name!) will be changed and all versions will be yanked.

