#client #tty #protocols #environment #copy-paste #command-line #implemeting

app osc52

A simple client implemeting the OSC52 copy/paste protocol

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 11, 2023

#44 in #tty


193 lines


A simple client implemeting the OSC52 copy/paste protocol. Install with cargo install osc52.

I wrote this utility because all of the existing ones are hard-coded to use /dev/tty instead of allowing you to specify a TTY device. osc52 allows you to specify a TTY using a command-line option or environment variable. This way, it can be called from within Neovim (which detaches child processes from the controlling TTY) with the help of a shell startup script to export the current TTY as an environment variable.


~44K SLoC