#udf #open-gauss #wasm

macro opengauss_bindgen_macros

Rust macros for writing WebAssembly-powered user-defined functions for openGauss

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 18, 2023

#7 in #open-gauss

22 downloads per month
Used in opengauss_bindgen


100 lines


This repository contains a helper library for coding WebAssembly-powered user-defined functions for openGauss.

*[note]: This repository is forked and modified based on libsql_bindgen

  • Show respect to Piotr Sarna

Marking a native Rust function with #[opengauss_bindgen] macro and compiling it to wasm32-unknown-unknown target is enough to produce a user-defined function definition callable directly from openGauss

Try it yourself:

cd examples/encrypt_decrypt

There are also advanced examples that require WasmEdge to run:


~34K SLoC