Cargo Features
opencv = { version = "0.94.3", default-features = false, features = ["3d", "alphamat", "aruco", "aruco_detector", "barcode", "bgsegm", "bioinspired", "calib", "calib3d", "ccalib", "cudaarithm", "cudabgsegm", "cudacodec", "cudafeatures2d", "cudafilters", "cudaimgproc", "cudalegacy", "cudaobjdetect", "cudaoptflow", "cudastereo", "cvv", "dnn", "dpm", "face", "features", "features2d", "flann", "highgui", "imgcodecs", "imgproc", "line_descriptor", "mcc", "ml", "objdetect", "optflow", "phase_unwrapping", "photo", "plot", "quality", "signal", "stereo", "stitching", "surface_matching", "text", "tracking", "video", "videoio", "videostab", "wechat_qrcode", "xfeatures2d", "ximgproc", "xobjdetect", "xphoto", "xstereo", "clang-runtime", "f16", "rgb"] }
- default = 3d, alphamat, aruco, aruco_detector, barcode, bgsegm, bioinspired, calib, calib3d, ccalib, cudaarithm, cudabgsegm, cudacodec, cudafeatures2d, cudafilters, cudaimgproc, cudalegacy, cudaobjdetect, cudaoptflow, cudastereo, cudawarping, cvv, dnn, dnn_superres, dpm, face, features, features2d, flann, freetype, fuzzy, gapi, hdf, hfs, highgui, img_hash, imgcodecs, imgproc, intensity_transform, line_descriptor, mcc, ml, objdetect, optflow, ovis, phase_unwrapping, photo, plot, quality, rapid, rgbd, saliency, sfm, shape, signal, stereo, stitching, structured_light, superres, surface_matching, text, tracking, video, videoio, videostab, viz, wechat_qrcode, xfeatures2d, ximgproc, xobjdetect, xphoto, xstereo
These default features are set whenever
is added without
somewhere in the dependency tree.default-features = false - 3d default
OpenCV module features
- alphamat default
- aruco default aruco_detector
- aruco_detector default = aruco
- barcode default
- bgsegm default = video
- bioinspired default
- calib default = features
- calib3d default cudastereo ximgproc = features2d
- ccalib default = features2d
- cudaarithm default
- cudabgsegm default = video
- cudacodec default
- cudafeatures2d default = features2d
- cudafilters default
- cudaimgproc default = imgproc
- cudalegacy default
- cudaobjdetect default = objdetect
- cudaoptflow default
- cudastereo default = calib3d
- cudawarping cvv default
- dnn default mcc
- dnn_superres dpm default
- face default = objdetect
- features default calib = flann
- features2d default calib3d ccalib cudafeatures2d stitching videostab xfeatures2d = flann
- flann default features features2d
- freetype fuzzy gapi hdf hfs highgui default
- img_hash imgcodecs default
- imgproc default cudaimgproc stitching
- intensity_transform line_descriptor default
- mcc default = dnn
- ml default quality
- objdetect default cudaobjdetect face
- optflow default = video
- ovis phase_unwrapping default
- photo default xphoto
- plot default
- quality default = ml
- rapid rgbd saliency sfm shape signal default
- stereo default
- stitching default = features2d, imgproc
- structured_light superres surface_matching default
- text default
- tracking default = video
- video default bgsegm cudabgsegm optflow tracking
- videoio default
- videostab default = features2d
- viz wechat_qrcode default
- xfeatures2d default = features2d
- ximgproc default = calib3d
- xobjdetect default
- xphoto default = photo
- xstereo default
- clang-runtime build
General features
Enables clang-runtime of opencv-binding-generator
copy of build-dependencies because we need to test methods of the build script
- f16
Enables half ^2, <2.5.0
todo: MSRV, allow version to go 2.5.0 and above when MSRV is 1.81.0
Features from optional dependencies
- rgb implicit feature
Enables rgb
version 0.8.20 doesn't contain the deficiency mentioned in