#web-framework #async #server #async-http #server-framework #web


Internal library for ohkami - intuitive and declarative web framework

4 releases

new 0.2.1 Apr 23, 2024
0.2.0 Apr 14, 2024
0.1.1 Feb 16, 2024
0.1.0 Feb 9, 2024

#721 in HTTP server

Download history 1/week @ 2024-02-04 78/week @ 2024-02-11 101/week @ 2024-02-18 44/week @ 2024-02-25 3/week @ 2024-03-03 6/week @ 2024-03-10 1/week @ 2024-03-17 36/week @ 2024-03-31 1/week @ 2024-04-07 164/week @ 2024-04-14

201 downloads per month
Used in ohkami

MIT license

3.5K SLoC


ohkami - [狼] wolf in Japanese - is intuitive and declarative web framework.

  • macro-less and type-safe APIs for intuitive and declarative code
  • multi runtime support:tokio, async-std, worker (Cloudflare Workers)
License build check status of ohkami crates.io

Quick Start

  1. Add to dependencies :
# This sample uses `tokio` runtime.
# `async-std` is available by feature "rt_async-std".

ohkami = { version = "0.17", features = ["rt_tokio"] }
tokio  = { version = "1",    features = ["full"] }
  1. Write your first code with ohkami : examples/quick_start
use ohkami::prelude::*;
use ohkami::typed::status::NoContent;

async fn health_check() -> NoContent {

async fn hello(name: &str) -> String {
    format!("Hello, {name}!")

async fn main() {
  1. Run and check the behavior :
$ cargo run
$ curl http://localhost:3000/healthz
$ curl http://localhost:3000/hello/your_name
Hello, your_name!

Cloudflare Workers is supported by rt_worker feature

You can easily write ohkami app and deploy to Cloudflare Workers :

npm create cloudflare ./my-ohkami-worker -- --template https://github.com/kana-rus/ohkami-templates/worker

Then your ./my-ohkami-worker has wrangler.toml, package.json and


# ...

ohkami = { version = "0.17", features = ["rt_worker"] }
worker = { version = "0.1" }

# ...


use ohkami::prelude::*;

async fn my_worker() -> Ohkami {
        "/".GET(|| async {"Hello, world!"}),

You can deploy this by

npx wrangler deploy


Handle path params

use ohkami::prelude::*;

async fn main() {

async fn hello(name: &str) -> String {
    format!("Hello, {name}!")

Handle request body / query params

use ohkami::prelude::*;
use ohkami::typed::status::Created;

use ohkami::typed::{Query, Payload};
use ohkami::builtin::payload::JSON;

/* `serde = 〜` is not needed in your [dependencies] */
use ohkami::serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

/* Payload + Deserialize for request */
struct CreateUserRequest<'req> {
    name:     &'req str,
    password: &'req str,

/* Payload + Serialize for response */
struct User {
    name: String,

async fn create_user(body: CreateUserRequest<'_>) -> Created<User> {
    Created(User {
        name: String::from("ohkami")

#[Query] /* Params like `?lang=rust&q=framework` */
struct SearchQuery<'q> {
    lang:    &'q str,
    #[query(rename = "q")] /* #[serde]-compatible #[query] attribute */
    keyword: &'q str,

#[Payload(JSON / S)] /* Shorthand for Payload + Serialize */
struct SearchResult {
    title: String,

async fn search(condition: SearchQuery<'_>) -> Vec<SearchResult> {
        SearchResult { title: String::from("ohkami") },

Use middlewares

ohkami's request handling system is called "fangs", and middlewares are implemented on this :

use ohkami::prelude::*;

/* Full impl */

use ohkami::{Fang, FangProc};

struct GreetingFang;
impl<I: FangProc> Fang<I> for GreetingFang {
    type Proc = GreetingFangProc<I>;
    fn chain(&self, inner: I) -> Self::Proc {
        GreetingFangProc { inner }
struct GreetingFangProc<I: FangProc> {
    inner: I
impl<I: FangProc> FangProc for GreetingFangProc<I> {
    async fn bite<'b>(&'b self, req: &'b mut Request) -> Response {
        println!("Welcome, request!: {req:?}");
        let res = self.inner.bite(req).await;
        println!("Go, response!: {res:?}");

/* Easy impl with an utility */

struct GreetingFang2;
impl FangAction for GreetingFang2 {
    async fn fore<'a>(&'a self, req: &'a mut Request) -> Result<(), Response> {
        println!("Welcomm request!: {req:?}");
    async fn back<'a>(&'a self, res: &'a mut Response) {
        println!("Go, response!: {res:?}");

async fn main() {
    ), (
        "/".GET(|| async {"Hello, fangs!"})

Pack of Ohkamis

use ohkami::prelude::*;
use ohkami::typed::status::{Created, NoContent};
use ohkami::typed::Payload;
use ohkami::builtin::payload::JSON;

struct User {
    name: String

async fn list_users() -> Vec<User> {
        User { name: String::from("actix") },
        User { name: String::from("axum") },
        User { name: String::from("ohkami") },

async fn create_user() -> Created<User> {
    Created(User {
        name: String::from("ohkami web framework")

async fn health_check() -> NoContent {

async fn main() {
    // ...

    let users_ohkami = Ohkami::new((

            .By(users_ohkami), // nest by `By`


use ohkami::prelude::*;
use ohkami::testing::*; // <--

fn hello_ohkami() -> Ohkami {
        "/hello".GET(|| async {"Hello, world!"}),

async fn test_my_ohkami() {
    let t = hello_ohkami().test();

    let req = TestRequest::GET("/");
    let res = t.oneshot(req).await;
    assert_eq!(res.status(), Status::NotFound);

    let req = TestRequest::GET("/hello");
    let res = t.oneshot(req).await;
    assert_eq!(res.status(), Status::OK);
    assert_eq!(res.text(), Some("Hello, world!"));

Supported protocols

  • HTTP/1.1
  • HTTP/2
  • HTTP/3
  • WebSocket

MSRV (Minimum Supported Rust Version)

Latest stable at the time of publication.


ohkami is licensed under MIT LICENSE (LICENSE or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).


~24K SLoC