Cargo Features
objc2-app-kit = { version = "0.2.2", default-features = false, features = ["std", "alloc", "all", "apple", "gnustep-1-7", "gnustep-1-8", "gnustep-1-9", "gnustep-2-0", "gnustep-2-1", "bitflags", "block2", "libc", "objc2-core-data", "objc2-core-image", "objc2-quartz-core", "AppKitErrors", "NSATSTypesetter", "NSAccessibility", "NSAccessibilityColor", "NSAccessibilityConstants", "NSAccessibilityCustomAction", "NSAccessibilityCustomRotor", "NSAccessibilityElement", "NSAccessibilityProtocols", "NSActionCell", "NSAffineTransform", "NSAlert", "NSAlignmentFeedbackFilter", "NSAnimation", "NSAnimationContext", "NSAppearance", "NSAppleScriptExtensions", "NSApplication", "NSApplicationScripting", "NSArrayController", "NSAttributedString", "NSBezierPath", "NSBitmapImageRep", "NSBox", "NSBrowser", "NSBrowserCell", "NSButton", "NSButtonCell", "NSButtonTouchBarItem", "NSCIImageRep", "NSCachedImageRep", "NSCandidateListTouchBarItem", "NSCell", "NSClickGestureRecognizer", "NSClipView", "NSCollectionView", "NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout", "NSCollectionViewFlowLayout", "NSCollectionViewGridLayout", "NSCollectionViewLayout", "NSCollectionViewTransitionLayout", "NSColor", "NSColorList", "NSColorPanel", "NSColorPicker", "NSColorPickerTouchBarItem", "NSColorPicking", "NSColorSampler", "NSColorSpace", "NSColorWell", "NSComboBox", "NSComboBoxCell", "NSComboButton", "NSControl", "NSController", "NSCustomImageRep", "NSCustomTouchBarItem", "NSDataAsset", "NSDatePicker", "NSDatePickerCell", "NSDictionaryController", "NSDiffableDataSource", "NSDockTile", "NSDocument", "NSDocumentController", "NSDocumentScripting", "NSDragging", "NSDraggingItem", "NSDraggingSession", "NSDrawer", "NSEPSImageRep", "NSErrors", "NSEvent", "NSFilePromiseProvider", "NSFilePromiseReceiver", "NSFileWrapperExtensions", "NSFont", "NSFontAssetRequest", "NSFontCollection", "NSFontDescriptor", "NSFontManager", "NSFontPanel", "NSForm", "NSFormCell", "NSGestureRecognizer", "NSGlyphGenerator", "NSGlyphInfo", "NSGradient", "NSGraphics", "NSGraphicsContext", "NSGridView", "NSGroupTouchBarItem", "NSHapticFeedback", "NSHelpManager", "NSImage", "NSImageCell", "NSImageRep", "NSImageView", "NSInputManager", "NSInputServer", "NSInterfaceStyle", "NSItemProvider", "NSKeyValueBinding", "NSLayoutAnchor", "NSLayoutConstraint", "NSLayoutGuide", "NSLayoutManager", "NSLevelIndicator", "NSLevelIndicatorCell", "NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer", "NSMatrix", "NSMediaLibraryBrowserController", "NSMenu", "NSMenuItem", "NSMenuItemBadge", "NSMenuItemCell", "NSMenuToolbarItem", "NSMovie", "NSNib", "NSNibLoading", "NSObjectController", "NSOpenGLView", "NSOpenPanel", "NSOutlineView", "NSPDFImageRep", "NSPDFInfo", "NSPDFPanel", "NSPICTImageRep", "NSPageController", "NSPageLayout", "NSPanel", "NSParagraphStyle", "NSPasteboard", "NSPasteboardItem", "NSPathCell", "NSPathComponentCell", "NSPathControl", "NSPathControlItem", "NSPersistentDocument", "NSPickerTouchBarItem", "NSPopUpButtonCell", "NSPopover", "NSPopoverTouchBarItem", "NSPredicateEditor", "NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate", "NSPressGestureRecognizer", "NSPressureConfiguration", "NSPreviewRepresentingActivityItem", "NSPrintInfo", "NSPrintOperation", "NSPrintPanel", "NSPrinter", "NSProgressIndicator", "NSResponder", "NSRotationGestureRecognizer", "NSRuleEditor", "NSRulerMarker", "NSRulerView", "NSRunningApplication", "NSSavePanel", "NSScreen", "NSScroller", "NSScrubber", "NSScrubberItemView", "NSScrubberLayout", "NSSearchFieldCell", "NSSearchToolbarItem", "NSSegmentedCell", "NSSegmentedControl", "NSShadow", "NSSharingService", "NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem", "NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem", "NSSlider", "NSSliderAccessory", "NSSliderTouchBarItem", "NSSound", "NSSpeechRecognizer", "NSSpeechSynthesizer", "NSSpellChecker", "NSSpellProtocol", "NSSplitView", "NSSplitViewController", "NSSplitViewItem", "NSStackView", "NSStatusBar", "NSStatusBarButton", "NSStatusItem", "NSStepper", "NSStepperCell", "NSStepperTouchBarItem", "NSStoryboard", "NSStoryboardSegue", "NSStringDrawing", "NSSwitch", "NSTabView", "NSTabViewController", "NSTabViewItem", "NSTableCellView", "NSTableColumn", "NSTableHeaderCell", "NSTableHeaderView", "NSTableRowView", "NSTableView", "NSTableViewDiffableDataSource", "NSTableViewRowAction", "NSText", "NSTextAlternatives", "NSTextAttachment", "NSTextAttachmentCell", "NSTextCheckingClient", "NSTextCheckingController", "NSTextContainer", "NSTextContent", "NSTextContentManager", "NSTextElement", "NSTextField", "NSTextFieldCell", "NSTextFinder", "NSTextInputClient", "NSTextInputContext", "NSTextInsertionIndicator", "NSTextLayoutFragment", "NSTextLayoutManager", "NSTextLineFragment", "NSTextList", "NSTextListElement", "NSTextRange", "NSTextSelection", "NSTextSelectionNavigation", "NSTextStorage", "NSTextStorageScripting", "NSTextTable", "NSTextView", "NSTextViewportLayoutController", "NSTintConfiguration", "NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController", "NSTokenField", "NSTokenFieldCell", "NSToolbar", "NSToolbarItem", "NSToolbarItemGroup", "NSTouch", "NSTouchBar", "NSTouchBarItem", "NSTrackingArea", "NSTrackingSeparatorToolbarItem", "NSTreeController", "NSTreeNode", "NSTypesetter", "NSUserActivity", "NSUserDefaultsController", "NSUserInterfaceCompression", "NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification", "NSUserInterfaceItemSearching", "NSUserInterfaceValidation", "NSView", "NSViewController", "NSVisualEffectView", "NSWindow", "NSWindowController", "NSWindowRestoration", "NSWindowScripting", "NSWindowTab", "NSWindowTabGroup", "NSWorkspace"] }
- default = std
feature is set by default wheneverobjc2-app-kit
is added without
somewhere in the dependency tree.default-features = false - std default = alloc
Currently not possible to turn off, put here for forwards compatibility.
Enables std of optional bitflags, optional block2, optional libc, objc2, optional objc2-core-data, optional objc2-core-image, objc2-foundation, and optional objc2-quartz-core
- alloc std
Enables alloc of optional block2, objc2, optional objc2-core-data, optional objc2-core-image, objc2-foundation, and optional objc2-quartz-core
- all = AppKitDefines, AppKitErrors, NSATSTypesetter, NSAccessibility, NSAccessibilityColor, NSAccessibilityConstants, NSAccessibilityCustomAction, NSAccessibilityCustomRotor, NSAccessibilityElement, NSAccessibilityProtocols, NSActionCell, NSAffineTransform, NSAlert, NSAlignmentFeedbackFilter, NSAnimation, NSAnimationContext, NSAppearance, NSAppleScriptExtensions, NSApplication, NSApplicationScripting, NSArrayController, NSAttributedString, NSBezierPath, NSBitmapImageRep, NSBox, NSBrowser, NSBrowserCell, NSButton, NSButtonCell, NSButtonTouchBarItem, NSCIImageRep, NSCachedImageRep, NSCandidateListTouchBarItem, NSCell, NSClickGestureRecognizer, NSClipView, NSCollectionView, NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout, NSCollectionViewFlowLayout, NSCollectionViewGridLayout, NSCollectionViewLayout, NSCollectionViewTransitionLayout, NSColor, NSColorList, NSColorPanel, NSColorPicker, NSColorPickerTouchBarItem, NSColorPicking, NSColorSampler, NSColorSpace, NSColorWell, NSComboBox, NSComboBoxCell, NSComboButton, NSControl, NSController, NSCursor, NSCustomImageRep, NSCustomTouchBarItem, NSDataAsset, NSDatePicker, NSDatePickerCell, NSDictionaryController, NSDiffableDataSource, NSDockTile, NSDocument, NSDocumentController, NSDocumentScripting, NSDragging, NSDraggingItem, NSDraggingSession, NSDrawer, NSEPSImageRep, NSErrors, NSEvent, NSFilePromiseProvider, NSFilePromiseReceiver, NSFileWrapperExtensions, NSFont, NSFontAssetRequest, NSFontCollection, NSFontDescriptor, NSFontManager, NSFontPanel, NSForm, NSFormCell, NSGestureRecognizer, NSGlyphGenerator, NSGlyphInfo, NSGradient, NSGraphics, NSGraphicsContext, NSGridView, NSGroupTouchBarItem, NSHapticFeedback, NSHelpManager, NSImage, NSImageCell, NSImageRep, NSImageView, NSInputManager, NSInputServer, NSInterfaceStyle, NSItemProvider, NSKeyValueBinding, NSLayoutAnchor, NSLayoutConstraint, NSLayoutGuide, NSLayoutManager, NSLevelIndicator, NSLevelIndicatorCell, NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer, NSMatrix, NSMediaLibraryBrowserController, NSMenu, NSMenuItem, NSMenuItemBadge, NSMenuItemCell, NSMenuToolbarItem, NSMovie, NSNib, NSNibDeclarations, NSNibLoading, NSObjectController, NSOpenGL, NSOpenGLLayer, NSOpenGLView, NSOpenPanel, NSOutlineView, NSPDFImageRep, NSPDFInfo, NSPDFPanel, NSPICTImageRep, NSPageController, NSPageLayout, NSPanGestureRecognizer, NSPanel, NSParagraphStyle, NSPasteboard, NSPasteboardItem, NSPathCell, NSPathComponentCell, NSPathControl, NSPathControlItem, NSPersistentDocument, NSPickerTouchBarItem, NSPopUpButton, NSPopUpButtonCell, NSPopover, NSPopoverTouchBarItem, NSPredicateEditor, NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate, NSPressGestureRecognizer, NSPressureConfiguration, NSPreviewRepresentingActivityItem, NSPrintInfo, NSPrintOperation, NSPrintPanel, NSPrinter, NSProgressIndicator, NSResponder, NSRotationGestureRecognizer, NSRuleEditor, NSRulerMarker, NSRulerView, NSRunningApplication, NSSavePanel, NSScreen, NSScrollView, NSScroller, NSScrubber, NSScrubberItemView, NSScrubberLayout, NSSearchField, NSSearchFieldCell, NSSearchToolbarItem, NSSecureTextField, NSSegmentedCell, NSSegmentedControl, NSShadow, NSSharingService, NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem, NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem, NSSlider, NSSliderAccessory, NSSliderCell, NSSliderTouchBarItem, NSSound, NSSpeechRecognizer, NSSpeechSynthesizer, NSSpellChecker, NSSpellProtocol, NSSplitView, NSSplitViewController, NSSplitViewItem, NSStackView, NSStatusBar, NSStatusBarButton, NSStatusItem, NSStepper, NSStepperCell, NSStepperTouchBarItem, NSStoryboard, NSStoryboardSegue, NSStringDrawing, NSSwitch, NSTabView, NSTabViewController, NSTabViewItem, NSTableCellView, NSTableColumn, NSTableHeaderCell, NSTableHeaderView, NSTableRowView, NSTableView, NSTableViewDiffableDataSource, NSTableViewRowAction, NSText, NSTextAlternatives, NSTextAttachment, NSTextAttachmentCell, NSTextCheckingClient, NSTextCheckingController, NSTextContainer, NSTextContent, NSTextContentManager, NSTextElement, NSTextField, NSTextFieldCell, NSTextFinder, NSTextInputClient, NSTextInputContext, NSTextInsertionIndicator, NSTextLayoutFragment, NSTextLayoutManager, NSTextLineFragment, NSTextList, NSTextListElement, NSTextRange, NSTextSelection, NSTextSelectionNavigation, NSTextStorage, NSTextStorageScripting, NSTextTable, NSTextView, NSTextViewportLayoutController, NSTintConfiguration, NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController, NSTokenField, NSTokenFieldCell, NSToolbar, NSToolbarItem, NSToolbarItemGroup, NSTouch, NSTouchBar, NSTouchBarItem, NSTrackingArea, NSTrackingSeparatorToolbarItem, NSTreeController, NSTreeNode, NSTypesetter, NSUserActivity, NSUserDefaultsController, NSUserInterfaceCompression, NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, NSUserInterfaceItemSearching, NSUserInterfaceLayout, NSUserInterfaceValidation, NSView, NSViewController, NSVisualEffectView, NSWindow, NSWindowController, NSWindowRestoration, NSWindowScripting, NSWindowTab, NSWindowTabGroup, NSWorkspace, bitflags, block2, libc, objc2-core-data, objc2-core-image, objc2-quartz-core
- apple
- gnustep-1-7 gnustep-1-8?
Enables gnustep-1-7 of optional block2, objc2, optional objc2-core-data, objc2-foundation, and optional objc2-quartz-core
Link to GNUStep's libobjc2 (which contains the block implementation).
- gnustep-1-8 gnustep-1-9? = gnustep-1-7
Enables gnustep-1-8 of optional block2, objc2, optional objc2-core-data, objc2-foundation, and optional objc2-quartz-core
- gnustep-1-9 gnustep-2-0? = gnustep-1-8
Enables gnustep-1-9 of optional block2, objc2, optional objc2-core-data, objc2-foundation, and optional objc2-quartz-core
- gnustep-2-0 gnustep-2-1? = gnustep-1-9
Enables gnustep-2-0 of optional block2, objc2, optional objc2-core-data, objc2-foundation, and optional objc2-quartz-core
- gnustep-2-1 = gnustep-2-0
Enables gnustep-2-1 of optional block2, objc2, optional objc2-core-data, objc2-foundation, and optional objc2-quartz-core
- bitflags NSApplication? NSAttributedString? NSBitmapImageRep? NSCell? NSCollectionView? NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout? NSColorPanel? NSDatePickerCell? NSDragging? NSEvent? NSFontAssetRequest? NSFontCollection? NSFontDescriptor? NSFontManager? NSFontPanel? NSGradient? NSLayoutConstraint? NSLayoutManager? NSMediaLibraryBrowserController? NSMenu? NSPDFPanel? NSParagraphStyle? NSPasteboard? NSPrintPanel? NSRunningApplication? NSSharingService? NSStatusItem? NSStringDrawing? NSTableColumn? NSTableView? NSTextContentManager? NSTextInsertionIndicator? NSTextLayoutFragment? NSTextLayoutManager? NSTextList? NSTextSelectionNavigation? NSTextStorage? NSTouch? NSTrackingArea? NSTypesetter? NSView? NSViewController? NSWindow? NSWorkspace? all?
Enables bitflags, bitflags of objc2-foundation, optional objc2-core-data, and optional objc2-quartz-core
- block2 all?
Enables block2, block2 of objc2-foundation, optional objc2-core-data, optional objc2-core-image, and optional objc2-quartz-core
… - libc all?
Enables libc, libc of objc2-foundation
- objc2-core-data all?
Enables objc2-core-data
- objc2-core-image all?
Enables objc2-core-image
- objc2-quartz-core all?
Enables objc2-quartz-core
- AppKitDefines AppKitErrors all?
- NSATSTypesetter all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSGeometry and NSRange of objc2-foundation
- NSAccessibility all?
Enables NSArray, NSGeometry, NSNotification and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSAccessibilityColor all?
Enables NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSAccessibilityConstants all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSDictionary, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
… - NSAccessibilityCustomAction all?
Enables NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSAccessibilityCustomRotor all?
Enables NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSAccessibilityElement all?
Enables NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSAccessibilityProtocols all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSData, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSRange, NSString, NSURL and NSValue of objc2-foundation
- NSActionCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSAffineTransform all?
Enables NSAffineTransform of objc2-foundation
- NSAlert all?
Enables NSArray, NSError and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSAlignmentFeedbackFilter all?
Enables NSArray and NSGeometry of objc2-foundation
- NSAnimation all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSDate, NSDictionary, NSNotification, NSObjCRuntime, NSObject, NSString and NSValue of objc2-foundation
- NSAnimationContext all?
Enables NSDate of objc2-foundation
- NSAppearance all?
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSAppleScriptExtensions all?
Enables NSAppleScript and NSAttributedString of objc2-foundation
- NSApplication all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSData, NSDate, NSDictionary, NSError, NSException, NSNotification, NSObjCRuntime, NSObject, NSString, NSURL and NSUserActivity of objc2-foundation
… - NSApplicationScripting all?
Enables NSArray of objc2-foundation
- NSArrayController all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSIndexSet, NSObject, NSPredicate, NSSortDescriptor and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSAttributedString all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSData, NSDictionary, NSError, NSFileWrapper, NSRange, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSBezierPath all?
Enables NSAffineTransform, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSBitmapImageRep all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSData, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation, CIImage of optional objc2-core-image
- NSBox all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSBrowser all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSIndexPath, NSIndexSet, NSNotification, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSBrowserCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSButton all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSButtonCell all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSButtonTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSCIImageRep all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation, CIImage of optional objc2-core-image
- NSCachedImageRep all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSCandidateListTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSCell all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSFormatter, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObjCRuntime, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSClickGestureRecognizer all?
Enables NSCoder and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSClipView all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSCollectionView all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSIndexPath, NSIndexSet, NSObjCRuntime, NSObject, NSSet, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
… - NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayout all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSGeometry, NSIndexPath, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSCollectionViewFlowLayout all?
Enables NSGeometry, NSIndexPath, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSCollectionViewGridLayout all?
Enables NSArray, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSCollectionViewLayout all?
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSIndexPath, NSObject, NSSet and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSCollectionViewTransitionLayout all?
Enables NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSColor all?
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation, CIColor of optional objc2-core-image
… - NSColorList all?
Enables NSArray, NSError, NSNotification, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSColorPanel all? = bitflags
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSColorPicker all?
Enables NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSColorPickerTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSColorPicking all?
Enables NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSColorSampler all?
- NSColorSpace all?
Enables NSArray, NSData, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSColorWell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSComboBox all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSComboBoxCell all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSComboButton all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSControl all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSFormatter, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
… - NSController all?
Enables NSCoder and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSCursor NSCustomImageRep all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSCustomTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSDataAsset all?
Enables NSBundle, NSData, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSDatePicker all?
Enables NSCalendar, NSCoder, NSDate, NSGeometry, NSLocale, NSObject and NSTimeZone of objc2-foundation
- NSDatePickerCell all? = bitflags
Enables NSCalendar, NSCoder, NSDate, NSLocale, NSObject, NSString and NSTimeZone of objc2-foundation
- NSDictionaryController all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSDiffableDataSource all?
Enables NSArray, NSIndexPath, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSDockTile all?
Enables NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSDocument all?
Enables NSArray, NSData, NSDate, NSDictionary, NSError, NSFilePresenter, NSFileVersion, NSFileWrapper, NSSet, NSString, NSURL and NSUndoManager of objc2-foundation
- NSDocumentController all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSDate, NSError, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSDocumentScripting all?
Enables NSScriptCommand, NSScriptObjectSpecifiers, NSScriptStandardSuiteCommands and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSDragging all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObjCRuntime, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSDraggingItem all?
Enables NSArray, NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSDraggingSession all?
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSDrawer all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSEPSImageRep all?
Enables NSCoder, NSData, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSErrors all?
Enables NSObjCRuntime and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSEvent all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSDate, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSSet and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSFilePromiseProvider all?
Enables NSError, NSOperation, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSFilePromiseReceiver all?
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSError, NSOperation, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSFileWrapperExtensions all?
Enables NSFileWrapper of objc2-foundation
- NSFont all?
Enables NSAffineTransform, NSCharacterSet, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSFontAssetRequest all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSError and NSProgress of objc2-foundation
- NSFontCollection all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSError, NSLocale, NSNotification, NSObject, NSString and NSValue of objc2-foundation
- NSFontDescriptor all? = bitflags
Enables NSAffineTransform, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSSet and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSFontManager all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSFontPanel all? = bitflags
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSForm all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSFormCell all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSGestureRecognizer all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSGlyphGenerator all?
Enables NSAttributedString of objc2-foundation
- NSGlyphInfo all?
Enables NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSGradient all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSGraphics all?
Enables NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
… - NSGraphicsContext all?
Enables NSDictionary, NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation, CIContext of optional objc2-core-image
- NSGridView all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSRange of objc2-foundation
- NSGroupTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSHapticFeedback all?
- NSHelpManager all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSBundle, NSGeometry, NSNotification and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSImage all?
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSCoder, NSData, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSItemProvider, NSLocale, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
… - NSImageCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSImageRep all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSData, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
… - NSImageView all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSInputManager all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSGeometry, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSInputServer all?
Enables NSGeometry, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSInterfaceStyle all?
Enables NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSItemProvider all?
Enables NSGeometry, NSItemProvider and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSKeyValueBinding all?
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSError, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation, NSAttributeDescription and NSPropertyDescription of optional objc2-core-data
- NSLayoutAnchor all?
Enables NSArray, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSLayoutConstraint all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSLayoutGuide all?
Enables NSArray, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSLayoutManager all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSLevelIndicator all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSLevelIndicatorCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSMatrix all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSMediaLibraryBrowserController all? = bitflags
Enables NSGeometry of objc2-foundation
- NSMenu all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject, NSString and NSZone of objc2-foundation
- NSMenuItem all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSMenuItemBadge all?
Enables NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSMenuItemCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSMenuToolbarItem all?
Enables NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSMovie all?
Enables NSCoder and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSNib all?
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSData, NSDictionary, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSNibDeclarations NSNibLoading all?
- NSObjectController all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSError, NSObject, NSPredicate and NSString of objc2-foundation, NSFetchRequest, NSManagedObjectContext and NSPersistentStoreRequest of optional objc2-core-data
- NSOpenGL NSOpenGLLayer NSOpenGLView all?
- NSOpenPanel all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSOutlineView all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSIndexSet, NSNotification, NSObject, NSSortDescriptor, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSPDFImageRep all?
Enables NSCoder, NSData, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSPDFInfo all?
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSPDFPanel all? = bitflags
Enables NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPICTImageRep all?
Enables NSCoder, NSData, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSPageController all?
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPageLayout all?
Enables NSArray of objc2-foundation
- NSPanGestureRecognizer NSPanel all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSParagraphStyle all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSCharacterSet, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSLocale, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPasteboard all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSData, NSDictionary, NSFileWrapper, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
… - NSPasteboardItem all?
Enables NSArray, NSData and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPathCell all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSPathComponentCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSPathControl all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSPathControlItem all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSPersistentDocument all?
Enables NSDictionary, NSError, NSFilePresenter, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation, NSManagedObjectContext and NSManagedObjectModel of optional objc2-core-data
- NSPickerTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPopUpButton NSPopUpButtonCell all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPopover all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPopoverTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPredicateEditor all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate all?
Enables NSArray, NSComparisonPredicate, NSExpression, NSObject, NSPredicate, NSString and NSValue of objc2-foundation, NSAttributeDescription and NSEntityDescription of optional objc2-core-data
- NSPressGestureRecognizer all?
Enables NSCoder, NSDate, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSPressureConfiguration all?
- NSPreviewRepresentingActivityItem all?
Enables NSItemProvider and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPrintInfo all?
Enables NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPrintOperation all?
Enables NSData, NSGeometry, NSObjCRuntime, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPrintPanel all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSPrinter all?
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSProgressIndicator all?
Enables NSCoder, NSDate, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSProgress of objc2-foundation
- NSResponder all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSError, NSObject, NSString and NSUndoManager of objc2-foundation
… - NSRotationGestureRecognizer all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSRuleEditor all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSIndexSet, NSNotification, NSObject, NSPredicate and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSRulerMarker all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSRulerView all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSString and NSValue of objc2-foundation
- NSRunningApplication all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSDate, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSSavePanel all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSError, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSScreen all?
Enables NSArray, NSDate, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSNotification and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSScrollView NSScroller all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSScrubber all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSIndexSet, NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSScrubberItemView all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSScrubberLayout all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSIndexSet, NSObject and NSSet of objc2-foundation
- NSSearchField NSSearchFieldCell all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSearchToolbarItem all?
Enables NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSecureTextField NSSegmentedCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSegmentedControl all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSShadow all?
Enables NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSSharingService all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSError, NSGeometry, NSItemProvider, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSSharingServicePickerToolbarItem all?
Enables NSArray, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSharingServicePickerTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSlider all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSliderAccessory all?
Enables NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSSliderCell NSSliderTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSound all?
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSData, NSDate, NSObject, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSSpeechRecognizer all?
Enables NSArray and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSpeechSynthesizer all?
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSError, NSRange, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
- NSSpellChecker all?
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSOrthography, NSRange, NSString and NSTextCheckingResult of objc2-foundation
- NSSpellProtocol all?
- NSSplitView all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSplitViewController all?
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSplitViewItem all?
Enables NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSStackView all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSStatusBar all?
Enables NSGeometry of objc2-foundation
- NSStatusBarButton all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSStatusItem all? = bitflags
Enables NSAttributedString, NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSStepper all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSStepperCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSStepperTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSCoder, NSFormatter, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSStoryboard all?
Enables NSBundle, NSCoder and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSStoryboardSegue all?
Enables NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSStringDrawing all? = bitflags
Enables NSAttributedString, NSDictionary, NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSSwitch all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSTabView all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSTabViewController all?
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTabViewItem all?
Enables NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTableCellView all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSTableColumn all? = bitflags
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSSortDescriptor and NSString of objc2-foundation
… - NSTableHeaderCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTableHeaderView all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSTableRowView all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
… - NSTableView all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSEnumerator, NSGeometry, NSIndexSet, NSNotification, NSObject, NSRange, NSSortDescriptor, NSString and NSURL of objc2-foundation
… - NSTableViewDiffableDataSource all?
- NSTableViewRowAction all?
Enables NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSText all?
Enables NSCoder, NSData, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextAlternatives all?
Enables NSArray, NSNotification, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextAttachment all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSData, NSDictionary, NSFileWrapper, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextAttachmentCell all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextCheckingClient all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextCheckingController all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSDictionary, NSRange, NSString and NSTextCheckingResult of objc2-foundation
- NSTextContainer all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSTextContent all?
Enables NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextContentManager all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSError, NSNotification, NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextElement all?
Enables NSArray and NSAttributedString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextField all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject, NSRange, NSString and NSTextCheckingResult of objc2-foundation
- NSTextFieldCell all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextFinder all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSRange, NSString and NSValue of objc2-foundation
- NSTextInputClient all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSGeometry, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextInputContext all?
Enables NSArray, NSNotification and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextInsertionIndicator all? = bitflags
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSTextLayoutFragment all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSOperation of objc2-foundation
- NSTextLayoutManager all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSOperation and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextLineFragment all?
Enables NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextList all? = bitflags
Enables NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextListElement all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSDictionary and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextRange all?
Enables NSObjCRuntime of objc2-foundation
- NSTextSelection all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
Enables NSArray, NSGeometry and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextStorage all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSNotification, NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextStorageScripting all?
Enables NSArray and NSAttributedString of objc2-foundation
- NSTextTable all?
Enables NSGeometry, NSObject and NSRange of objc2-foundation
- NSTextView all?
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject, NSOrthography, NSRange, NSString, NSTextCheckingResult, NSURL, NSUndoManager and NSValue of objc2-foundation
- NSTextViewportLayoutController all?
Enables NSGeometry of objc2-foundation
- NSTintConfiguration all?
Enables NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController all?
Enables NSBundle, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTokenField all?
Enables NSArray, NSCharacterSet, NSCoder, NSDate, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTokenFieldCell all?
Enables NSArray, NSCharacterSet, NSCoder, NSDate, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSToolbar all?
Enables NSArray, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSSet and NSString of objc2-foundation
… - NSToolbarItem all?
Enables NSGeometry, NSObject, NSSet and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSToolbarItemGroup all?
Enables NSArray, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTouch all? = bitflags
Enables NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSTouchBar all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSObject, NSSet and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTouchBarItem all?
Enables NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
… - NSTrackingArea all? = bitflags
Enables NSDictionary, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSTrackingSeparatorToolbarItem all?
Enables NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTreeController all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSIndexPath, NSObject, NSSortDescriptor and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSTreeNode all?
Enables NSArray, NSIndexPath and NSSortDescriptor of objc2-foundation
- NSTypesetter all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSUserActivity all?
Enables NSString and NSUserActivity of objc2-foundation
- NSUserDefaultsController all?
Enables NSCoder, NSDictionary, NSObject, NSString and NSUserDefaults of objc2-foundation
- NSUserInterfaceCompression all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSGeometry, NSObject, NSSet and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSUserInterfaceItemIdentification all?
Enables NSString of objc2-foundation
… - NSUserInterfaceItemSearching all?
Enables NSArray, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSUserInterfaceLayout NSUserInterfaceValidation all?
- NSView all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSAttributedString, NSCoder, NSData, NSDictionary, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObjCRuntime, NSObject, NSRange and NSString of objc2-foundation, CALayer of optional objc2-quartz-core
… - NSViewController all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSBundle, NSCoder, NSExtensionContext, NSExtensionRequestHandling, NSGeometry, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSVisualEffectView all?
Enables NSCoder, NSGeometry and NSObject of objc2-foundation
- NSWindow all? = bitflags
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSData, NSDate, NSDictionary, NSError, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObjCRuntime, NSObject, NSString, NSURL, NSUndoManager and NSValue of objc2-foundation
- NSWindowController all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSObject and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSWindowRestoration all?
Enables NSArray, NSCoder, NSError, NSNotification, NSOperation and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSWindowScripting all?
Enables NSScriptCommand and NSScriptStandardSuiteCommands of objc2-foundation
- NSWindowTab all?
Enables NSAttributedString and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSWindowTabGroup all?
Enables NSArray and NSString of objc2-foundation
- NSWorkspace all? = bitflags
Enables NSAppleEventDescriptor, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSError, NSFileManager, NSGeometry, NSNotification, NSObject, NSString, NSURL and NSValue of objc2-foundation