#grammar #peg #combinator #parser #parser-generator


Parser generated by Oak depends on this library. Please consult the package Oak for more informations.

22 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.6.0 Jan 12, 2021
0.5.5 Mar 20, 2017
0.4.3 Jan 26, 2017
0.4.2 Dec 24, 2016
0.3.6 Nov 12, 2015

#323 in Parser tooling

Used in oak


615 lines


ptal on Travis CI

Compiled on the nightly channel of Rust. Use rustup for managing compiler channels. You can download and set up the exact same version of the compiler used with rustup override add 2021-01-06.

Please consult the Oak manual.


  • Easy to install: PEG grammar description as a Rust procedural macro.
  • User-friendly: most of the types are automatically inferred from the parsing expressions.
  • Safe: Well-formedness analysis guarantees termination.
  • Modular: External parser rules can be called at any time.
  • Fast: Generation of both recognizer and parser functions for each rule.

Build local documentation

You might want to build the manual or code documentation from the repository because you need it to be synchronized with a specific version of Oak or simply for offline usage. Here how to do it!

Build the manual

You need the utility mdbook:

cargo install mdbook

Once installed, go inside oak/doc and execute mdbook build -o. The manual is generated inside a local folder named book and directly opened in your browser.

Build the code documentation

As a user of Oak, you will be interested by the runtime documentation.

cd oak/runtime
cargo doc

The documentation is then available in oak/runtime/target/doc.

To build the internal documentation of Oak, you can type this command at the root of the project:

cd oak
rustdoc --document-private-items --output=target/dev-doc src/liboak/lib.rs

The documentation will be available inside oak/target/dev-doc. It is useful to work on Oak :-)


This is the documentation of the Oak runtime. Oak is a parser generator of Parsing Expression Grammar, please read first the manual.

This library is used by the generated code of Oak and is also necessary to any Oak users for interfacing with the code generated. A PEG combinator returns a ParseState, please consult the methods into_result or unwrap_data as they are good starting point for retrieving useful information.

