14 stable releases (3 major)

3.0.0 Apr 22, 2023
2.0.3 Mar 9, 2023
2.0.1 Feb 1, 2023
1.4.0 Jan 16, 2023
0.1.0 Jan 13, 2023

#6 in #direction

Download history 185/week @ 2024-02-16 7/week @ 2024-02-23 1/week @ 2024-03-01 1/week @ 2024-03-08 1/week @ 2024-03-15 76/week @ 2024-03-29 16/week @ 2024-04-05

92 downloads per month

MIT license

355 lines


NXML is a markup language that is not XML. It was based on XML, but went in a very different direction and now does not resemble XML at all.

Syntax explanation

  • A node is either a text (hello) or a sequence ([I|am|a|sequence])
  • Brackets ([ and ]) surround the sequence
  • Nodes can go one after another without any explicit delimiters (text[sequence][sequence]text)
  • A vertical bar (|) denotes the end of a text node (otherwise text nodes end at the end of input or at a sequence boundary (a bracket)). This can be used to place text nodes one after another or to create an empty text node
  • Every special character (|, [, ] or \) can be escaped with a backslash (\)

Syntax grammar (in pseudo-Backus-Naur Form; may be invalid)

special_character ::= "[" | "]" | "|" | "\\"
text_character ::= !special_character | "\\\\" | "\\[" | "\\]" | "\\|"
text ::= text text_character | text_character | text "|" | "|"
sequence_of_nodes ::= sequence_of_nodes node | node
node ::= text | "[" + sequence_of_nodes + "]" | "[]"

Syntax example

[to-do list|
    [buy some groceries|[
        lettuce |
        cucumber |
    [finish NXML|[
        add syntax explanation to the README |
        update syntax examples |
        rewrite the parser
    [do the homework]

    [friend ids|[234|345|456]]


    [TITLE|Cookies are good]
            [OUTER REFERENCE|[URL|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cookie][TEXT|Cookies]] are good!

you can use the sequential parser to parse bare sequential nodes |
something |

an empty text node! -> || <- here it is!
another one, this time inside a sequence: [|] (it is between the opening bracket and the vertical bar)

Things to consider when using this library

  • This library does not trim the whitespaces at the end or the beginning of text nodes for better flexibility. It is the user's responsibility to trim the excessive whitespaces.


~18K SLoC