#plugin #scheme #html #base32 #escaping #unicode #convert

app nu_plugin_endecode

A plugin with various encoding schemes, from Crockford's base-32 to HTML entity escaping

1 unstable release

0.2.0 Sep 2, 2024

#246 in Text processing

Download history 139/week @ 2024-09-02

139 downloads per month

MPL-2.0 and maybe CC-PDDC

532 lines

More formats for encode/decode

One day, while tinkering with Iroh, I had a need to convert one identifier from Base32 to z-base-32. This sent me down a rabbit hole of all the binary-to-text encoding schemes. It turns out, there are quite a few out there.

This plugin provides the following bases:

  • encode crockford: Crockford's Base32.

  • decode/encode z32: z-base-32, a "human-oriented" base-32 encoding.

  • decode/encode z85: ZeroMQ's Z85, a relaxed version (byte length doesn't have to be the multiple of 4).

  • decode/encode base58: Base58, mostly used by cryptocurrencies.

As well as a number of miscellaneous encodings:

  • decode/encode html: HTML entities escaping and unescaping.

  • decode unicode: converts Unicode strings to plain ASCII using the deunicode library.


~1M SLoC