1 unstable release

0.1.2 May 30, 2024
0.1.1 May 30, 2024
0.1.0 May 30, 2024

#753 in HTTP server


547 lines


🦀 NOXP is a simple web framework for rust inspired by golang's net/http package

NOXP uses only the standard library

🚧 What's next:

  • Optional multithreading
  • Use the requests for some usefull purpose
  • Better routing system
  • More status codes
  • More http methods
  • Headers!
  • Use query strings
  • Add middleware
  • Authentication (do it by yourself!)
  • Add documentation
  • Publish to crates.io


use std::fmt;

use noxp::Server;
use noxp::http::{ Response, Request, StatusCode };

struct Person {
  name: String,
  age: i32,

impl fmt::Display for Person {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
    write!(f, "{{ \"name\": \"{}\", \"age\": {} }}", self.name, self.age)

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
  // define the size of the thread pool
  let size: usize = 4;
  // create the server with a thread pool of defined size 4 (it's optional)
  // it's also possible to use Server::default().set_pool(4)
  let mut server = Server::default().set_pool(size);

  // pay attention for the tuple (Method, &str)
  server.handle_func(("GET", "/"), index);
  server.handle_func(("POST", "/"), post);

  // you can also send html (only in the views folder)
  server.handle_func(("GET", "/hello"), file);

  // and send json (only structs which implement Display)
  server.handle_func(("GET", "/person"), json);

  // listening at localhost:8080

fn index(_req: Request, res: Response) -> Response {
    .set_text("Hello, World!")

fn post(req: Request, res: Response) -> Response {


fn file(_req: Request, res: Response) -> Response {

fn json(_req: Request, res: Response) -> Response {
  let person = Person {
    name: String::from("Menezes"),
    age: 15,


No runtime deps