#cow #no-alloc #convert-string

no-std nostd_cow

A no_std implementation of std::borrow::Cow

1 unstable release

new 0.1.0 Feb 16, 2025

#133 in No standard library

MIT license

106 lines

Std-less Cow

This library provides NoStdCow, which is an implementation of a copy-on-write smarter pointer which doesn't rely on std or alloc.

Crates.io Version docs.rs Crates.io License

If you have std or alloc available, use alloc::borrow::Cow instead. NoStdCow is more targeted towards embedded systems and alloc::borrow::Cow provides more functionality. into_alloc_cow and from_alloc_cow can be used to convert between the two if needed.


NoStdCow is defined as

pub enum NoStdCow<'a, T: Borrow<B>, B> {
    Borrowed(&'a B),

where &B is the borrowed form of T. In most cases, T == B and you will want to use NoStdCow<'a, T, T>. It is highly recommended that T also has a Clone implementation.


use nostd_cow::NoStdCow;

/// Convert a string to uppercase if it isn't already uppercase, otherwise
/// just return a reference to the original source.
fn to_uppercase<'a>(source: &'a str) -> NoStdCow<'a, String, str> {
    for c in source.chars() {
        if !c.is_uppercase() {
            return NoStdCow::Owned(source.to_uppercase());
// This string is already uppercase, so the function will not allocate a new [`String`].
let already_uppercase = "HELLOWORLD";
assert_eq!(to_uppercase(already_uppercase), NoStdCow::Borrowed(already_uppercase));
// This string needs to be converted to uppercase, so a new owned value is constructed
// and returned.
let not_uppercase = "helloworld";
assert_eq!(to_uppercase(not_uppercase), NoStdCow::Owned(String::from("HELLOWORLD")));

No runtime deps
