#structs #struct #macro #no-alloc

no-std non-exhaustive

macro to allow struct expressions of non_exhaustive structs

2 releases

0.1.1 Feb 25, 2024
0.1.0 Feb 24, 2024

#53 in #structs




CI Status Crates.io Docs.rs Documentation for main

Macro to create non_exhaustive structs and structs with private fields with the functional update syntax, i.e., using ..Default::default().

Given the foreign structs:

pub struct NonExhaustive {
  pub field: usize

pub struct PrivateFields {
  pub pub_field: usize,
  private_field: usize

The following is not possible:

NonExhaustive {
  field: 1,

PrivateFields {
  pub_field: 1,

non_exhaustive! remedies that:

use non_exhaustive::non_exhaustive;
# mod module {#[derive(Default)] pub struct NonExhaustive {pub field: usize, _hack: usize} #[derive(Default)] pub struct PrivateFields { pub pub_field: usize, private_field: usize}} use module::*;

non_exhaustive! {NonExhaustive {
  field: 1,

non_exhaustive! {PrivateFields {
  pub_field: 1,

For the common case of using Default::default(), non_exhaustive! allows omitting the ..expression:

use non_exhaustive::non_exhaustive;
# mod module {#[derive(Default)] pub struct NonExhaustive {pub field: usize, _hack: usize} #[derive(Default)] pub struct PrivateFields { pub pub_field: usize, private_field: usize}} use module::*;

non_exhaustive!(NonExhaustive { field: 1 });
non_exhaustive!(PrivateFields { pub_field: 1 });

Under the hood, non_exhaustive! is extremely simple, it expands to:

# mod module {#[derive(Default)] pub struct NonExhaustive {pub field: usize, _hack: usize}} use module::*;

  let mut value: NonExhaustive = Default::default();
  value.field = 1;

No runtime deps