5 releases

0.0.5 Jul 1, 2019
0.0.4 Jul 1, 2019
0.0.3 Jul 1, 2019
0.0.2 Jun 28, 2019
0.0.1 Jun 28, 2019

#2986 in Parser implementations




A nmea-0183 sentence parser written in Rust using Nom.

Travis Build Status documentation


use nmea_0183::sentence::parse;

fn main() {
    // We first need a sentence to parse.
    // According to the NMEA-0183 specification, a sentence ends with <CR><LF>
    let raw_sentence = "$GPGGA,092725.00,4717.11399,N,00833.91590,E,1,08,1.01,499.6,M,48.0,M,,*5B\r\n";
    let parsed_sentence = parse(raw_sentence)
        .expect("Could not parse nmea sentence.");

    println!("{:?}", parsed_sentence);

    Sentence {
        sentence_type: Parametric,
        talker: GPS,
        message: GGA(GGAMessage {
            time: Some(09:27:25),
            lat: Some(Degree(47.1711399)),
            ns: North,
            lon: Some(Degree(8.339159)),
            ew: East,
            quality: AutonomousGNSSFix,
            num_sv: Some(8),
            hdop: Some(1.01),
            alt: Some(Meter(499.6)),
            sep: Some(Meter(48.0)),
            diff_age: None,
            diff_station: None



The parser is at an early stage, I have written it by following the U-Blox Receiver Protcol Specification and interpreting it as well as I could.

I have written unit tests based on the provided samples, but I don't have any receiver yet to test the output.

If you would like to improve it, or if you find a (one of many!) bug please open an issue or, even better, submit a pull request :)

How to install

If you use cargo-edit (which I recommend), open a shell in the project you want to add the library to and run the following command:

$ cargo add nmea-0183
      Adding nmea-0183 v0.0.2 to dependencies

If you don't, add the library to your Cargo.toml dependencies:

nmea-0183 = "*"


Licensed under either of

at your option.

Dual MIT/Apache2 is strictly more permissive


~35K SLoC