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#1413 in Cryptography

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This crate is work in progress, not suitable for production.

Nimue helps performing Fiat-Shamir on any public-coin protocol. It enables secure provision of randomness for the prover and secure generation of random coins for the verifier. It is inspired by the SAFE API, with minor variations.


The library does two things:

  • Assist in the construction of a protocol transcript for a public-coin zero-knowledge proof (Merlin),
  • Assist in the deserialization and verification of a public-coin protocol (Arthur).

The basic idea behind Nimue is that prover and verifier "commit" to the protocol before running the actual protocol. They a string encoding the sequence of messages sent from the prover and the verifier (the IOPattern), which is used as an "IV" to initialize the hash function for the Fiat-Shamir heuristic.

There are prover just proceeds with concatenation, without ever worrying about encoding length and special flags to embed in the hash function. This allows for better preprocessing, friendliness with algebraic hashes, static composition of protocol (and prevention of composition during the execution of a protocol), easy an easier inspection of the Fiat-Shamir transform.

use nimue::{IOPattern, DefaultHash};

let io = IOPattern::<DefaultHash>::new("👩‍💻🥷🏻👨‍💻 building 🔐🔒🗝️")
        // this indicates the prover is sending 10 elements (bytes)
        .absorb(10, "first")
        // this indicates the verifier is sending 10 elements (bytes)
        .squeeze(10, "second");
assert_eq!(io.as_bytes(), "👩‍💻🥷🏻👨‍💻 building 🔐🔒🗝️\0A10first\0S10second".as_bytes())

An IOPattern is a UTF8-encoded string wrapper. Absorptions are marked by A and squeezes by S, followed by the respective length (note: length is expressed in terms of hash::Unit, native elements over which the hash function works). A label is added at the end of each absorb/squeeze, to describe the type and the variable as used in the protocol. Operations are separated by a NULL byte and therefore labels cannot contain NULL bytes themselves, nor they can start with an ASCII digit.

Batteries included

The library comes with support for algebraic objects over arkworks and zkcrypto:

  • with feature flag --feature=ark, the module plugins::ark provides extension traits for arkworks fields and groups;
  • with feature flag --feature=group, the module plugins::group provides extension traits for zkcrypto's field and group traits. See the plugins module for more information.

Protocol transcripts

Prover and verifier proof transcripts are built respectively with Merlin and Arthur. Given the IOPattern, it is possible to build a Merlin instance that can build the protocol transcript, and seed the private randomness for the prover.

use nimue::*;
use rand::Rng;

// Create a new protocol that will absorb 1 byte and squeeze 16 bytes.
let io = IOPattern::<DefaultHash>::new("example-protocol 🤌").absorb(1, "↪️").squeeze(16, "↩️");
let mut merlin = io.to_merlin();
// The prover sends the byte 0x42.
// The prover receive a 128-bit challenge.
let mut chal = [0u8; 16];
merlin.fill_challenge_bytes(&mut chal).unwrap();
// The transcript is recording solely the bytes sent by the prover so far.
assert_eq!(merlin.transcript(), [0x42]);
// Generate some private randomness bound to the protocol transcript.
let private = merlin.rng().gen::<[u8; 2]>();

assert_eq!(merlin.transcript(), [0x42]);

(Note: Nimue provides aliases DefaultHash and DefaultRng mapping to secure hash functions and random number generators). An Merlin instance can generate public coins (via a Safe instance) and private coins. Private coins are generated with a sponge that absorbs whatever the public sponge absorbs, and is seeded by a cryptographic random number generator throughout the protocol by the prover. This way, it is really hard to produce two different challenges for the same prover message.

The verifier can use a Arthur instance to recover the protocol transcript and public coins:

use nimue::{IOPattern, Arthur};
use nimue::hash::Keccak;
use nimue::traits::*;
use rand::{Rng, rngs::OsRng};

let io = IOPattern::<Keccak>::new("example-protocol 🧀").absorb(1, "in 🍽️").squeeze(16, "out 🤮");
let transcript = [0x42];
let mut arthur = io.to_arthur(&transcript);

// Read the first message.
let [first_message] = arthur.next_bytes().unwrap();
assert_eq!(first_message, 0x42);

// Squeeze out randomness.
let chal = arthur.challenge_bytes::<16>().expect("Squeezing 128 bits");


This work is heavily inspired from:

  • Libsignal's shosha256, by Trevor Perrin. It provides an absorb/squeeze interface over legacy hash functions.
  • the SAFE API, by Dmitry Khovratovich, JP Aumasson, Porçu Quine, Bart Mennink. To my knowledge they are the first to introduce this idea of using an IO Pattern to build a transcript and the SAFE API.
  • Arthur, by Henry de Valence. To my knowledge it introduced this idea of a Transcript object carrying over the state of the hash function throughout the protocol.


~54K SLoC