6 releases

0.3.1 Mar 31, 2022
0.3.0 Mar 31, 2022
0.2.1 Mar 31, 2022
0.1.1 Mar 30, 2022

#1095 in Command-line interface

Used in o-o


256 lines


Ng-clp (no-grammar definition command-line parser) is one of Rust's command-line parsers. A normal command-line parser generates a parser from the definition of command-line options that accepts a command line according to its grammar. In contrast, ng-clp uses a universal parser to discover what it assumes to be options or arguments from the given command-line arguments.

How it works?

You can run a sample program with cargo run as follows:

$ cargo run -- foo -bar bal --bra boo
Argument: foo
Option: -b ar
Argument: bal
Option: --bra boo

Format of flags and options accepted by ng-clp

The arguments, flags, and options accepted by ng-clp can be described as follows (option names, arguments, etc. are capitalized here to be easier to distinguish).

Format Parsed
-A Flag -A.
-A BC Option -A with argument BC.
-ABC Option -A with argument BC.
--AB Flag --AB.
--AB CD Option --AB with the argument CD.
--AB=CD Option --AB with argument CD.

"But isn't that ambiguous?" If you are wondering, you are correct.

When the command line is:

-a bc

ng-clp allows treating with the command line in the following two interpretations.

  • A flag -a appears (with no argument; the following bc is a normal command-line argument that has nothing to do with the flag -a).
  • An option -a appears with argument bc.

How do I use ng-clp?

(1) Add a dependency to ng-clp and anyhow in Cargo.toml:

ng-clp = "0.3"
anyhow = "1.0"

(2) Copy the boilerplate code boilerplate/main.rs in your main.rs and modify it.



ng-clp is based on the same idea as the original product gzclp, but their APIs are completely different from each other.


~18K SLoC