1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Aug 30, 2020 |
#298 in Simulation
700 lines
is designed to facilitate the simulation of N-body systems in O(nlogn)
This is useful for many applications: common ones are gravitational simulations and electrostatic simulations.
Simulations in 2D and 3D are both supported.
Nbody barnes hut
is designed to facilitate the simulation of N-body systems in O(nlogn)
This is useful for many applications: common ones are gravitational simulations and electrostatic simulations.
Simulations in 2D and 3D are both supported.
This crate is not multithreaded. Rather, call calc_forces_on_particle
in a multithreaded loop (for example, with rayon
The time to create the tree is negligible in comparison to the time used calculating forces.
Here is a basic 3D gravitational simulator:
use rand::Rng;
use nbody_barnes_hut::particle_3d::Particle3D;
use nbody_barnes_hut::vector_3d::Vector3D;
use nbody_barnes_hut::barnes_hut_3d::OctTree;
const G: f64 = 6.67E-11; // Newton's Gravitational Constant
// Create 10 000 random points
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let points: Vec<Particle3D> = (0..10_000)
.map(|_| {
let pos = Vector3D::new(
rng.gen_range(-1000.0, 1000.0),
rng.gen_range(-1000.0, 1000.0),
rng.gen_range(-1000.0, 1000.0),
Particle3D::new(pos, 30.0)
// This is pretty hacky
let points_ref = &points.iter().collect::<Vec<&Particle3D>>()[..];
let tree = OctTree::new(points_ref, 0.5);
for p in &points {
// Do something with this value
let acceleration_on_particle = tree.calc_forces_on_particle(
|d_squared, mass, dis_vec, _| {
// dis_vec is not normalized, so we have to normalize it here
G * mass * dis_vec / (d_squared * d_squared.sqrt())