Cargo Features

napi-ohos = { version = "1.0.0-beta.3", default-features = false, features = ["full", "async", "chrono_date", "compat-mode", "deferred_trace", "error_anyhow", "experimental", "object_indexmap", "latin1", "napi1", "napi2", "napi3", "napi4", "napi5", "napi6", "napi7", "napi8", "napi9", "noop", "serde-json", "serde-json-ordered", "tokio_fs", "tokio_full", "tokio_io_std", "tokio_io_util", "tokio_macros", "tokio_net", "tokio_process", "tokio_rt", "tokio_signal", "tokio_sync", "tokio_test_util", "tokio_time", "dyn-symbols", "ohos"] }
default = ohos

The ohos feature is set by default whenever napi-ohos is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

full = async, chrono_date, experimental, latin1, ohos, serde-json
async full? = tokio_rt
chrono_date full? = chrono, napi5
compat-mode ohos

Affects module_register::register_module_exports

deferred_trace = napi4
error_anyhow = anyhow
experimental full?

Enables experimental of napi-sys-ohos

object_indexmap = indexmap
latin1 full? = encoding_rs

Affects string::latin1_string

napi1 napi2?
napi2 napi3? = napi1

Enables napi2 of napi-sys-ohos

napi3 napi4? = napi2

Enables napi3 of napi-sys-ohos

napi4 deferred_trace? napi5? tokio_rt? = napi3

Enables napi4 of napi-sys-ohos

Affects function::ThreadsafeFunctionBuilder, napi-ohos::threadsafe_function

napi5 chrono_date? napi6? = napi4

Enables napi5 of napi-sys-ohos

Affects object::FinalizeContext, object_property::PropertyClosures

napi6 napi7? = napi5

Enables napi6 of napi-sys-ohos

Affects object::KeyCollectionMode, object::KeyFilter, object::KeyConversion

napi7 napi8? = napi6

Enables napi7 of napi-sys-ohos

napi8 napi9? ohos = napi7

Enables napi8 of napi-sys-ohos

napi9 = napi8

Enables napi9 of napi-sys-ohos

Affects error::JsSyntaxError

serde-json full? serde-json-ordered? = serde, serde_json
serde-json-ordered = serde-json

Enables preserve_order of serde_json


Make serde_json::Map use a representation which maintains insertion order.
This allows data to be read into a Value and written back to a JSON string while preserving the order of map keys in the input.


Enables fs of tokio


Enables full of tokio


enable everything


Enables io-std of tokio


stdin, stdout, stderr


Enables io-util of tokio


Enables macros of tokio


Enables net of tokio


Enables process of tokio

tokio_rt async? = napi4, tokio

Enables signal of tokio


Enables tokio


Enables test-util of tokio


Enables time of tokio


Enables dyn-symbols of napi-sys-ohos

ohos default full? = compat-mode, napi8

Enables ohos of napi-sys-ohos

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

anyhow error_anyhow?
chrono chrono_date?
encoding_rs latin1?
indexmap object_indexmap?
serde serde-json?
serde_json serde-json? serde-json-ordered?
tokio not wasm tokio_fs? tokio_full? tokio_io_std? tokio_io_util? tokio_macros? tokio_net? tokio_process? tokio_rt? tokio_signal? tokio_sync? tokio_test_util? tokio_time?