Named-Pipe is used at run time in 158 crates (of which 158 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 12 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 9 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers Named-Pipe version Downloads/month
145 0.4.1 11K
16 0.3.0 800
6 0.2.4 350
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Named-Pipe version
33K 108 mysql ~0.4
3.4K 4 dockworker ^0.4
700 3 discord-rpc-client ^0.4.1
450 4 discord-presence ^0.4
230 git-credential-keepassxc ^0.4.1
mysql_wasi ~0.4
1 streamduck-client ^0.4.1
osquery-rs ^0.4.1
1 boondock ^0.2.2
brchd ^0.4.1
spwn ^0.4.1
t-rust-less-lib ^0
winpty dev ^0.4.1