1 unstable release
Uses old Rust 2015
0.1.0 | Apr 12, 2017 |
#62 in #row
65 lines
A tiny library that exposes a Repository
trait (and some helper traits) to structure some CRUD SQL boilerplate.
Currently just for rust-mysql-simple.
Just implement some of the library's traits:
pub enum Users {}
impl Repository for Users {}
impl<'a> Insertable<Users> for &'a NewUser {
fn sql() -> &'static str { "INSERT INTO users(email, data) VALUES (?, ?)" }
fn to_params(&self) -> ::mysql::Params {
(&self.email, &self.data).into()
impl<'a> Updatable<Users> for &'a User {
fn sql() -> &'static str { "UPDATE users SET email = ?, data = ? WHERE id = ?" }
fn to_params(&self) -> ::mysql::Params {
(&self.email, &self.data, &self.id).into()
impl Findable<Users> for User {
fn sql() -> &'static str { "SELECT id, email, data FROM users WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1" }
fn from_row(row: ::mysql::Row) -> Result<Self, ::mysql::Error> {
let (id, email, data) = ::mysql::from_row_opt(row)?;
Ok(User { id, email, data, ..Default::default() })
impl Whereable<Users> for User {
fn wrapped_sql(sql: &str) -> String {
["SELECT id, email, data FROM users WHERE ", sql].concat()
fn from_row(row: ::mysql::Row) -> Result<Self, ::mysql::Error> {
<Self as Findable<Users>>::from_row(row)
impl Deletable<Users> for User {
fn sql() -> &'static str { "DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?" }
fn to_params(&self) -> ::mysql::Params {
And then you can do:
let mut user: User = Repository::find(&mut conn, 1)?.ok_or("No users")?;
user.email = "something@email.com";
Repository::update(&mut conn, &user)?;
let user: User = Repository::where_one("email = ?", ("something@email.com",))?.ok_or("No users")?;
~232K SLoC