#encryption-decryption #encryption #decryption #security #rust


A library for various encryption and decryption algorithms

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 31, 2023

#930 in Cryptography

MIT license

209 lines

My Encryption Library


My Encryption Library is a Rust crate that provides various encryption and decryption algorithms. It's designed to be easy to use, yet flexible enough to handle a range of encryption needs.


  • Shift-based encryption and decryption (similar to the Caesar cipher).
  • Support for accented characters and special symbols.
  • Different encryption presets for ease of use.
  • Password-based encryption for enhanced security.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

my_encryption_lib = "0.1.0"


Here's a quick example to get you started:

use my_encryption_lib::mel_presets;

fn main() {
    let encrypted = mel_presets::mel_5("Hello, world!", true).unwrap();
    let decrypted = mel_presets::mel_5(&encrypted, false).unwrap();

    println!("Encrypted: {}", encrypted);
    println!("Decrypted: {}", decrypted);

Replace mel_5 with any other function from the library to use a different encryption algorithm.


  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  6. Create a new Pull Request.


This project is licensed under MIT license.


For any queries, feel free to reach out on GitHub.

No runtime deps