#lightning #mempool #murray


murray-rs is a comprehensive crate designed for seamless integration with Murray Rothbot's suite of APIs, including Blockchain, Lightning, and Prices

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 17, 2024

#1942 in Magic Beans

Download history 124/week @ 2024-03-14 20/week @ 2024-03-21 16/week @ 2024-03-28 9/week @ 2024-04-04

169 downloads per month

Custom license


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License: MIT


Murray-rs is the rust version of the comprehensive NPM package module designed for seamless integration with Murray Rothbot's suite of APIs, including Blockchain, Lightning, and Prices - Murray JS. This powerful library enables developers to quickly incorporate bitcoin data and interactions within their applications.


To get started, install the package using cargo:

cargo add murray-rs


After installation, import murray-rs into your project to access the various APIs.

Blockchain API

use murray_rs::{GetBlockParams, Murray, BlockchainError};

fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), BlockchainError> {
  let murray = Murray::default();

  let a = murray.blockchain.get_block(GetBlockParams {
    hash: None,
    height: Some(500000),
  println!("{:?}", a);


Lightning API

use murray_rs::{Murray, GetNodeDetailsParams, LightningError};

fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), LightningError> {
  let murray = Murray::default();

  let a = murray.lightning.get_node_details(GetNodeDetailsParams {
    public_key: "03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f".to_string(),
  println!("{:?}", a);


Prices API

use murray_rs::{Murray, ConvertCurrencyParams, Currency, PriceError};

fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), PriceError> {
  let murray = Murray::default();

  let a = murray.prices.convert_currency(ConvertCurrencyParams {
    currency: Currency::BRL,
    value: 100,
  println!("{:?}", a);


Custom Endpoints

Customize endpoints for each API to suit your specific needs:

use murray_rs::{Murray, BaseEndpointsParams};

fn main() {
  let murray = Murray::new(BaseEndpointsParams {
    blockchain_endpoint: Some("https://your-custom-domain.com/".to_string()),
    prices_endpoint: Some("https://your-custom-domain.com/".to_string()),
    lightning_endpoint: Some("https://your-custom-domain.com/".to_string()),

  let blockchain = murray.blockchain.get_health();
  println!("{:?}", blockchain.unwrap());
  let prices = murray.prices.get_health();
  println!("{:?}", prices.unwrap());
  let lightning = murray.lightning.get_health();
  println!("{:?}", lightning.unwrap());


Find more examples in the repository to guide your implementation:

Self Hosted APIs

Leverage your self-hosted APIs for enhanced control and customization:


Contributions are welcome! For significant changes or enhancements, please open an issue first to discuss your ideas.


Murray-rs is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


~292K SLoC