#rustc #target #llvm #linker #compiler #details #script

nightly msiz_rustc-ap-rustc_target

Automatically published version of the package rustc_target in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit 74d5c70b174f06843049af2d764ff57ddc81c81c The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github.com/alexcrichton/rustc-auto-publish

3 stable releases

3.0.0 Sep 11, 2019
2.0.0 Sep 11, 2019
1.0.0 Sep 10, 2019

#1688 in Development tools

28 downloads per month
Used in msiz_rustc-ap-syntax


24K SLoC

librustc_target contains some very low-level details that are specific to different compilation targets and so forth.

For more information about how rustc works, see the rustc guide.


Some stuff used by rustc that doesn't have many dependencies

Originally extracted from rustc::back, which was nominally the compiler 'backend', though LLVM is rustc's backend, so rustc_target is really just odds-and-ends relating to code gen and linking. This crate mostly exists to make rustc smaller, so we might put more 'stuff' here in the future. It does not have a dependency on LLVM.


~131K SLoC