#organization #audio #music-metadata #cli

app morg

Tool for organizing music by their metadata

2 releases

0.1.1 Nov 28, 2021
0.1.0 Nov 28, 2021

#9 in #music-metadata

37 downloads per month

ISC and GPL-3.0-or-later

121 lines



Tool for organizing music by the files' metadata.

It's the death of me.


  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://codeberg.org/BubbyRoosh/morg
  2. Install Rust from the website
  3. Run the following command: cargo install --path morg


The configuration file can be empty, but still needs to exist.

mkdir -p $HOME/.config/morg
touch $HOME/.config/morg/config.toml

Refer to the example config.toml file in this repository for possible values.

Simply run the program on either files themselves or the directories containing the files you want organized.

Information on command-line arguments can be displayed upon running with --help


~64K SLoC