#merkle-tree #no-alloc #hash-tree #statically-allocated #mountain-range

nightly no-std merkle-heapless

Statically-allocated Merkle Tree and Mountain Range

4 releases

0.0.7 Apr 12, 2024
0.0.6 Feb 5, 2024
0.0.5 Jan 29, 2024
0.0.4 Aug 16, 2023
0.0.3 Jul 4, 2023

#730 in Data structures



Static Merkle Tree and Mountain Range

This Merkle tree is implemented as a contiguous memory array and does not betake to dynamic allocations. As such it allows for certain optimizations and compile-time imposed constraints on arity and size boundaries.


  • no std dependencies (actually no dependencies)
  • 2, 4, 8,... power of 2 general branching arity
  • any hash function that takes &[u8] and returns something that implements AsRef<[u8]>
  • 99% safe Rust
  • optionally augmentable or reducible
  • optional Mountain Range proc macro (when compiled with a feature)

Basic functionality

The most basic tree is the StaticTree. This kind of tree is instantiated to its final size.

Basic operations

use merkle_heapless::{StaticBinaryTree};
use merkle_heapless::traits::{StaticTreeTrait, ProofValidator};
// tree height 3, 8 leaves
const MAX_HEIGHT: usize = 3;
const MAX_WORD_LEN: usize = 10;
// supposing the YourHash struct exists
let mut tree = StaticBinaryTree::<MAX_HEIGHT, YourHash, MAX_WORD_LEN>::try_from::<&[u8]>(
    &[b"apple", b"banana"]

let proof = tree.generate_proof(0);

Replace and remove leaf

You can replace a leaf with another value

// snip
// replace
tree.replace(5, b"cherry");
let proof = tree.generate_proof(5);
// remove
tree.replace(1, &[]);
let proof = tree.generate_proof(1);
let proof = tree.generate_proof(1);

Arity other than 2

It's a generalized form of the above tree.

use merkle_heapless::{StaticTree};

const ARITY: usize = 4;
let mut tree = StaticTree::<ARITY, MAX_HEIGHT, YourHash, MAX_WORD_LEN>::try_from::<&[u8]>(
    &[b"apple", b"banana"]
// same operations can be applied

Custom Hash implementation

Examples: blake256 and standard Rust's hash used for HashMaps

use merkle_heapless::traits::HashT;

struct Blake2_256Hash;
#[derive(Hash, Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Wrapped32([u8; 32]);
impl From<u8> for Wrapped32 {
    fn from(n: u8) -> Self {
        let mut arr = [0u8; 32];
        arr[0] = n;
impl HashT for Blake2_256Hash {
    type Output = Wrapped32;

    fn hash(input: &[u8]) -> Self::Output {
use std::{
    hash::{Hash, Hasher},
use merkle_heapless::traits::HashT;
pub struct StdHash;
#[derive(Hash, Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Wrapped8([u8; 8]);
impl From<u8> for Wrapped8 {
    fn from(n: u8) -> Self {
        let mut arr = [0u8; 8];
        arr[0] = n;
impl HashT for StdHash {
    type Output = Wrapped8;

    fn hash(input: &[u8]) -> Self::Output {
        let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
        input.hash(&mut s);

Augmentation and Reduction

These extentions provide limited dynamic behaviour as for tree size handling.


A tree is augmented by creating a new tree with a height bigger by one, so the new tree contains as twice as nodes the former tree had. Then the contents of the former tree are copied and hashes recalculated.


use merkle_heapless::augmentable::{DefaultAugmentable};

const ARITY: usize = 4;
const HEIGHT: usize = 3;
const MAX_WORD_LEN: usize = 10;

let mt1 = DefaultAugmentable::<ARITY, HEIGHT, StdHash, MAX_WORD_LEN>::try_from::<&[u8]>(&[
    "apple", "apricot", "banana", "cherry",

let mut mt = mt1.augment();
assert_eq!(mt.height(), HEIGHT + 1);


You can try_merge a smaller (or equally-sized) tree into the original tree. This operation does not imply augmentation, rather it fails if merge is not possible.

// snip
let mt2 = DefaultAugmentable::<ARITY, HEIGHT_2, StdHash, MAX_WORD_LEN>::try_from::<&[u8]>(&[
    "kiwi", "lemon",


### Reduction
Similarly, if remove, compact and reduce semantics is needed it is achievable through a Compactable tree variation:
use merkle_heapless::compactable::{DefaultCompactable};

const ARITY: usize = 4;
const HEIGHT: usize = 3;
const MAX_WORD_LEN: usize = 10;

let mut cmt = DefaultCompactable::<ARITY, HEIGHT, StdHash, MAX_WORD_LEN>::try_from::<&[u8]>(&[
    "apple", "apricot", "banana", "cherry",

// will try to create a smaller tree from the compacted tree
let mut reduced = cmt.try_reduce().unwrap();

Mountain Range

Merkle Mountain Range offers append-only growable Merkle Tree semantics optimized for space. The rules for this implementation of Mountain Range are:

  • space limitations are defined at compile-time (no dynamic allocations) by number of peaks only
  • an element is inserted by appending to the right-most peak having a capacity to append a new item
  • the left-most peak is the highest peak at any moment
  • when two adjacent peaks have the same height they are recursively merged into the left sibling
  • roots of the peaks form leaves for the "summit Merkle tree"
  • the Mountain Range proof is generated by chaining the proof of the corresponding peak with the proof generated by the relevant path in the summit tree
  • for MMR declared with N peaks, it will handle peaks with heights [0..N] thus simulating a tree with number of leaves in range [0..N*2^N] in case of a binary MMR

Include features = ["mmr_macro"] in the merkle-heapless dependency in Cargo.toml.

Declaration and instantiation

// compulsory at the beginning of the .rs file in order the macro to compile
// snip
use merkle_heapless::{mmr_macro};
// declaration with expicit type name for your MMR
mmr_macro::mmr!(Type = FooMMR, BranchFactor = 2, Peaks = 3, Hash = StdHash, MaxInputWordLength = 10);
let mmr = FooMMR::default();
// implicitly creates MerkleMountainRange type
mmr_macro::mmr!(BranchFactor = 2, Peaks = 5, Hash = StdHash, MaxInputWordLength = 10);
// create with default current peak of height 0
let mmr = MerkleMountainRange::default();
// or create with current peak of height 2
let mut mmr = MerkleMountainRange::from_peak(MerkleMountainRangePeak::Peak3(Default::default()));
assert_eq!(mmr.peaks()[0].height(), 5 - 3);


The functionality of Mountain Range is similar to that of the Merkle tree.

// peak leaf numbers: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
assert_eq!(mmr.peaks()[0].height(), 0);
assert_eq!(mmr.peaks()[0].num_of_leaves(), 1);
assert_eq!(mmr.peaks()[1].num_of_leaves(), 0);
let proof = mmr.generate_proof(0);


~44K SLoC