#hash-functions #finite-fields #networking #symmetric-ciphers #mds-matrices #spn


Tools for generating unconditionally secure square Cauchy MDS matrices over prime finite fields for partial substitution-permutation networks, which are widespread designs of symmetric ciphers and hash functions

1 unstable release

new 0.1.1 Mar 7, 2025
0.1.0 Feb 12, 2025

#1336 in Cryptography

Download history 127/week @ 2025-02-12 3/week @ 2025-02-26

130 downloads per month

MIT license

251 lines


The crate provides tools for generating random square Cauchy MDS matrices over prime finite fields and applying the MDSECheck method to check such matrices for unconditional security as the components of affine permutation layers of partial substitution-permutation networks (P-SPNs), which are widespread designs of the modern symmetric ciphers and hash functions. The used data types of field elements and polynomials are provided by the crates ark-ff and ark-poly. The auxiliary tools in the crate modules are accessible as well.

Definition of unconditional P-SPN security level of a square MDS matrix

The unconditional P-SPN security level of a square MDS matrix M is defined as l, where l is a positive integer, if and only if M simultaneously satisfies the following conditions:

  1. The minimal polynomials of M, , ..., have maximum degree and are irreducible.
  2. The minimal polynomial of Mˡ⁺¹ is not of maximum degree or not irreducible.

Theorem 8 in the paper "Proving Resistance Against Infinitely Long Subspace Trails: How to Choose the Linear Layer" by L. Grassi, C. Rechberger and M. Schofnegger ensures that if the unconditional P-SPN security level of a square MDS matrix is l, then for a P-SPN using this matrix as the component of its affine permutation layers "there is no infinitely long subspace trail with/without active S-boxes of period less than or equal to l" regardless of the structure of the substitution layers, but does not provide the same guarantees for larger periods. This independence from P-SPN substitution layers is the reason for using the term "unconditional security". Once an MDS matrix with the unconditional P-SPN security level l has been chosen, it can protect any P-SPN with at most l rounds from the "attacks based on infinitely long truncated differentials with probability 1".

Implemented approach to the security checks

To check whether the unconditional P-SPN security level of the specified matrix is no less than the given bound, the crate provides the implementation of the MDSECheck method, whose name is derived from the words "MDS", "security", "elaborated" and "check". A detailed description of this novel method and its mathematical foundations is available in this article.

Usage example

use ark_bn254::Fr;
use mdsecheck::{random_cauchy, security_level};
use rand_chacha::{rand_core::SeedableRng, ChaCha8Rng};

// Generating pseudorandom 5 x 5 MDS matrices over the BN254 scalar field 
// until a matrix with the unconditional P-SPN security level 25 is obtained
let mut r = ChaCha8Rng::seed_from_u64(123456);
loop {
    // The field is large enough to generate 5 x 5 Cauchy matrices
    let m = random_cauchy::<Fr>(5, &mut r).unwrap();
    if security_level(&m, 25) == Some(25) {
        println!("{:?}", m);


The current version of this crate has not undergone a third-party security audit and is not intended for production use without proper security review.


~103K SLoC