#matrix #display #command-line #separator #unicode #pretty #character


A library to display a matrix in command line with pretty unicode separators

11 releases (1 stable)

1.0.0 May 12, 2019
0.9.0 Mar 6, 2018
0.8.0 Jul 22, 2017
0.5.0 Mar 29, 2017

#790 in Text processing

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100 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates

MIT license

752 lines

Build Status Coverage Status Matrix Display

A simple rust library to visualize 2D matrixes in rust.

  • Supports 256 terminal colours using AnsiTerm
  • Multiple unicode box character sets supported (plain, retro, thin, rounded, thick, double)


Click here to access the documentation


  • git clone git@github.com:pierrechevalier83/matrix_display.git
  • cargo test


  • cargo run --example chess
  • cargo run --example 2048
  • cargo run --example palette

Example: visualising a chess board

extern crate matrix_display;
use matrix_display::*;

fn main() {
    let format = Format::new(7, 3);
	let board = vec!['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
	                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
					 ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
                     ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
					 ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
					 ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
					 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
					 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
		.map(|(i, x)| {
            let ansi_fg = 33;
			let mut ansi_bg = 0;
		    if i % 2 + (i / 8) % 2 == 1 {
			    ansi_bg = 7;
		    cell::Cell::new(x.clone(), ansi_fg, ansi_bg)
    let data = matrix::Matrix::new(8, board);
    let display = MatrixDisplay::new(format, data);
	display.cell_at_cursor_position((13, 6)).color.bg = 10;
    display.print(&mut std::io::stdout(), &style::BordersStyle::None);

alt tag

For a working version of the game, see chess-rs

Example: visualising a 2048 game

extern crate matrix_display;
use matrix_display::*;

fn main() {
    let format = Format::new(7, 3);
    let colour_theme = vec![247, 78, 222, 220, 214, 208, 202, 196, 162, 160, 126, 90, 88, 54, 53, 52];
    let board = (0..16)
        .map(|x| {
            cell::Cell::new(2_f64.powi(x + 1),
                      *colour_theme.get(x as usize).unwrap() as u8)
    let data = matrix::Matrix::new(4, board);
    let display = MatrixDisplay::new(format, data);
    display.print(&mut std::io::stdout(), &style::BordersStyle::Thick);

alt tag

For a working version of the game, see 2048-rs

Example: visualising a 256 colors palette

extern crate matrix_display;
use matrix_display::*;

fn main() {
    let format = Format::new(5, 1);
    let board = (0..256)
        .map(|x| cell::Cell::new(x, 0, x as u8))
    let data = matrix::Matrix::new(8, board);
    let display = MatrixDisplay::new(format, data);
    display.print(&mut std::io::stdout(), &style::BordersStyle::Thin);

alt tag

For a self contained implementation, see palette-rs


  • Leverage fdehau/tui-rs to avoid redrawing the entire screen at every frame
  • Should help with performance issues with snake-rs, my snake implementations.


~117K SLoC