10 releases

0.3.0 Dec 1, 2022
0.2.2 Aug 3, 2022
0.2.1 Jul 7, 2022
0.2.0 Aug 1, 2021
0.0.0 Sep 1, 2020

#292 in Email

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MIT license

597 lines


Mailjet API wrapper for Rust

MIT License Crates.io Documentation


This crate contains an unofficial wrapper for the Mailjet API.

The official resources are available in the Mailjet Developer Guides webiste.

The official Mailjet Organization in GitHub provides wrappers for other programming languages such as Go, PHP, JavaScript (NodeJS), Ruby and more.



mailjet-rs = "0.2.0"

# Used by `Hyper` which is the HTTP request solution behind the Client
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }


The Client struct performs API related tasks such as handling authentication and defning the API version that must be used for every request.


Mailjet's Email API uses the API keys provided by Mailjet for your account here.

These are used to create an instance of the Client as follows:

let client = Client::new(

API Version

Mailjet's API has 3 versions available at the moment, the following table describes each version and its support in this crate

Version Name Supported
v3 The Email API ✔️
v3.1 Email Send API v3.1 (Latest Version) ❌ (Early Development)
v4 SMS API ❌ (TBD)

As you can see at the moment this crate supports only the version 3 of the Email API. Support for the version 3.1 is in early development

The version of the API to use is provided to the Client using the SendAPIVersion enum.

Send Messages

To send a Message you must create a Client instance, then define Recipients and finally build your Message.

The Client's method send receives a Payload trait implementator, this trait is implemented by Message and every struct which is sent to the Mailjet's API throught the Client.

A call to send will return a Future which wraps a Result<MailjetResponse, MailjetError>.

Examples Requirements

To run any of the following examples you must have a public and private key for Mailjet (a free plan is available to consume the API) and also install the tokio runtime.

mailjet-rs = "0.2.0"

# Used by `Hyper` which is the HTTP request solution behind the Client
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

Consuming the API Wrapper

Theres two ways to consume this wrapper, either by using the methods provided by the Message struct or not to using these methods.

All of the fields of the Message struct are public, this is because sometimes its a bit of verbose/tedious to build a simple struct by calling multiple methods.

The methods provided are meant to validate the fields of the Message struct with the API specificiations but you are free to provide values to these fields.

Basic Message

mailjet-rs makes use of the Tokio runtime to perform asynchronous operations, Hyper is being used undet the hood to perform HTTP requests to the Mailjet API.

Here a Message is created and sent to the Recipient defined. This message neither contains HTML or is consuming a template, instead this Message contains raw text.

use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient;
use mailjet_rs::v3::Message;
use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> {
    // Create an instance of the Mailjet API client
    // used to send the `Message` and also define your API
    // credentials
    let client = Client::new(

    // Create your a `Message` instance with the minimum required values
    let mut message = Message::new(
        "Mailjet Rust",
        Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()),
        Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string())


    // Finally send the message using the `Client`
    let response = client.send(message).await;

    // Do something with the response from Mailjet
    // Ok(Response { sent: [Sent { email: "your_receiver@company.com", message_id: 000, message_uuid: "message-uuid" }] })
    println!("{:?}", response);


Send to multiple recipients

use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient;
use mailjet_rs::v3::Message;
use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> {
    let client = Client::new(

    let mut message = Message::new(
        "Mailjet Rust",
        Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()),
        Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string())

    let recipients = vec![


    let response = client.send(message).await;

    println!("{:?}", response);


Using To, Cc and Bcc instead of Recipients

Note: If a recipient does not exist in any of your contact list it will be created from scratch, keep that in mind if you are planning on sending a welcome email and then you're trying to add the email to a list as the contact effectively exists already. Mailjet's API Documentation

use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient;
use mailjet_rs::v3::Message;
use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> {
    let client = Client::new(

    let mut message = Message::new(
        "Mailjet Rust",
        Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()),
        Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string())


    let response = client.send(message).await;

    println!("{:?}", response);


Send Inline Attachments

use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient;
use mailjet_rs::v3::{Message, Attachment};
use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion};

/// Base64 representation of the Mailjet logo found in the Mailjet SendAPI V3 docs

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> {
    let client = Client::new(

    let mut message = Message::new(
        "Mailjet Rust",
        Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()),
        Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string())


    let mailjet_logo = Attachment::new(


    message.html_part = Some("<h3>Dear [[var:name]] [[var:last]], welcome to <img src=\"cid:logo.png\"> <a href=\"https://www.mailjet.com/\">Mailjet</a>!<br />May the delivery force be with you!".to_string());

    let response = client.send(message).await;

    println!("{:?}", response);


The following is an example using the Mailjet's Send API v3 where the following features are covered:

  • Attach inline images
  • Attach files
  • Use template variables
use mailjet_rs::common::Recipient;
use mailjet_rs::v3::{Message, Attachment};
use mailjet_rs::{Client, SendAPIVersion};
use mailjet_rs::{Map, Value};

/// Base64 representation of the Mailjet logo found in the Mailjet SendAPI V3 docs

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>> {

    // Create an instance of the Mailjet API client
    // used to send the `Message` and also define your API
    // credentials
    let client = Client::new(

    // Create your a `Message` instance with the minimum required values
    let mut message = Message::new(
        "Mailjet Rust",
        Some("Your email flight plan!".to_string()),
        Some("Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!".to_string())


    // Set some HTML for your email
    // Note that here we are using `cid:logo.png` as the src value for our image
    // this is using the `inline_attachment` with `filename` "logo.png" as the
    // image source
    message.html_part = Some("<h3>Dear [[var:name]] [[var:last]], welcome to <img src=\"cid:logo.png\"> <a href=\"https://www.mailjet.com/\">Mailjet</a>!<br />May the delivery force be with you!".to_string());

    // Attach inline files providing its base64 representation
    // content-type and a name.
    // The name of the file can be used to reference this file in your HTML content
    let mailjet_logo_inline = Attachment::new(

    // Attach the `Attachment` as an Inline Attachment
    // this function can also be used to attach common Attachments

    // Creates a txt file Attachment
    let txt_file_attachment = Attachment::new(

    // Attaches the TXT file as an email Attachment

    // Provide variables for your template
    // `Map` and `Value` are reexported from
    // `serde_json`
    let mut vars = Map::new();

    vars.insert(String::from("name"), Value::from("Foo"));
    vars.insert(String::from("last"), Value::from("Bar"));

    message.vars = Some(vars);

    // Finally send the message using the `Client`
    let response = client.send(message).await;

    // Do something with the response from Mailjet
    // Ok(Response { sent: [Sent { email: "your_receiver@company.com", message_id: 000, message_uuid: "message-uuid" }] })
    println!("{:?}", response);



To release a new version you must tag with git and push to the main branch.

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First Release"
git push origin main --follow-tags


Feel free to contribute!


This project is licensed under the MIT License to match the same licensing as Mailjet's official wrappers


~324K SLoC