Cargo Features

madsim-tokio has no features set by default.

madsim-tokio = { version = "0.2.25", features = ["full", "fs", "io-util", "io-std", "macros", "net", "process", "rt", "rt-multi-thread", "signal", "sync", "time", "tracing", "test-util", "bytes", "num_cpus", "parking_lot", "tokio-macros"] }
full = fs, io-std, io-util, macros, net, parking_lot, process, rt, rt-multi-thread, signal, sync, time

enable everything

fs full?

tokio features

Enables fs of tokio

io-util full?

Enables io-util of tokio

io-std full?

Enables io-std of tokio


stdin, stdout, stderr

macros full?

Enables macros of tokio

net full?

Enables net of tokio

process full?

Enables process of tokio

rt full?

Enables rt of tokio


Includes basic task execution capabilities

rt-multi-thread full?

Enables rt-multi-thread of tokio

signal full?

Enables signal of tokio

sync full?

Enables sync of tokio

time full?

Enables time of tokio


Enables tracing of tokio


Enables test-util of tokio


tokio optional dependencies

once_cell memchr mio socket2 num_cpus
parking_lot full?
libc signal-hook-registry tokio-macros