#index #log #node #cluster #raft #data #rpc


Some ways to build distributed systems

1 unstable release

0.0.0 Nov 14, 2024

#69 in #raft

MIT license

243 lines


๐ŸŒŸ Luminous

What's this?

In another repository Iris, a very simple Raft tool library is written based on the original Raft paper and using actix-web.

The tool library includes the following parts:

  • Follower, Leader and Candidate node state machines
  • Term, log index
  • AppendEntries RPC, VoteRequest RPC
  • Heartbeat packet mechanism, timeout election, random election timeout and election timeout

Unimplemented parts:

  • Log consistency check process
  • High consistency (to be precise, the log replication process before the node joins the cluster)
  • Two-stage method required to solve the cluster split problem
  • Log compression

In this tool library, only keys and values โ€‹โ€‹of type String can be stored with fixed logic, because the internal data storage uses Map<String, String>. Obviously, this is a huge flaw, which means redundant serialization and deserialization steps. Considering Rust's ownership mechanism, there will be additional clones. And because the logic is fixed, it is also difficult to implement the extended functions of ordinary kv storage (such as automatic expiration, automatic disk backup, shard storage, etc.) in every application using the tool library.


According to the original paper, it is divided into the following parts:

  • Timer (heartbeat packet mechanism, timeout mechanism, random election timeout and election timeout mechanism)
  • Network (including RPC, serialization and deserialization, and data packet processing according to the state machine)
  • Internal storage
  • Disk persistence

In order to achieve the best possible performance and concurrency safety, the Actor mode is first considered to encapsulate the operations.

Taking storing a Log Entry as an example, the specific method is as follows:

  1. Define basic data types

    pub trait RaftDataType: Clone + Debug + Send + Sync + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + 'static {}
    pub trait RaftError: Error + Debug + Send + Sync + Serialize + DeserializeOwned + 'static {}

    The basic data type here refers to the data that the Log Entry will carry in the entire implementation. For example, the basic data type in the Iris implementation is String.

    In addition, for the sake of implementation completeness, we also need to define an Error type to express as accurately as possible the errors that may occur during data processing.

  2. Implement a SaveLog structure and implement actix::Message

    #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
    pub struct SaveLog<T: RaftDataType, E: RaftError> {
        pub term: u64,
        pub index: u64,
        pub data: T,
        e: std::marker::PhantomData<E>,
    impl<T: RaftDataType, E: RaftError> actix::Message for SaveLog<T, E> {
        type Result = Result<(), E>;

    Does this look a bit strange? Actually, this SaveLog acts as a function, declaring the parameters that will be passed to Actor (term: u64, index: u64, data: T) and the return value (type Result = Result<(), E>;).

    As for std::marker::PhantomData<E>, since E is not used as a field in the structure, it will generate unbounded lifetime. So we need to use a placeholder tool so that it can be declared in the structure but cannot generate real memory consumption, PhantomData is very suitable.

  3. Define an "aggregate" feature, provide it to users to implement and pass it into the implementation through an interface.

    pub trait RaftLog<T, E>
        T: RaftDataType,
        E: RaftError,
        Self: Actor<Context = Context<Self>>,
        Self: Handler<log::SaveLog<T, E>>,
        Self::Context: ToEnvelope<Self, log::SaveLog<T, E>>,

    At this point, we have provided a "function" for users to process and save Log Entry. The usage is as follows:

    impl RaftLog<String, XXError> for RaftCluster<String, XXError> { }
    impl Actor for RaftCluster<String, XXError> {
        type Context = XXContext;
    impl Handler<log::SaveLog<String, XXError>> for RaftCluster<String, XXError> {
        fn handle(&mut self, msg: SaveLog<String, XXError>) {
            // Perform the actual storage step here

References and Acknowledgements

In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm Original Raft paper

A rigorous and scalable implementation of actix-raft

raft-rs is a high-performance and easy-to-understand implementation



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