3 unstable releases

0.3.0 Aug 21, 2024
0.2.1 Aug 14, 2024
0.2.0 Aug 14, 2024

#842 in Network programming

Download history 117/week @ 2024-08-08 203/week @ 2024-08-15 62/week @ 2024-08-22 4/week @ 2024-08-29

386 downloads per month


10K SLoC

test pipeline Coverage Status (codecov.io) MIT OR Apache-2.0 licensed Crates.io CodSpeed Badge


The loona logo: a lunatic moon looking threatening and like it drank a beer it wasn't supposed to. Also pimples.

Logo by MisiasArt

loona is an HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 implementation on top of Rust, using io_uring on Linux.

It is focused on correctness and performance.

At this stage, loona is still a research project, but you can check out the rest of the loona cinematic universe:

Example usage

To see how loona can be used to make HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 servers, you can check out:

loona also integrates well with ktls, you can check the tls example (Linux-only).


~201K SLoC