LiteMap is used at run time in 27,076 crates (of which 3,803 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 14 crates. It's used at build time in 742 crates (of which 196 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,375 crates (of which 2 directly).

Number of dependers LiteMap version Downloads/month
29,185 0.7.4 3.5M
1 0.7.3 774K
2 0.4.0 0
5 0.3.0 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) LiteMap version
4.1M 50 icu_locid ^0.7.3
87K 7 zerotrie optional ^0.7.3
79K 14 icu_datetime optional ^0.7.3
24K 5 icu_experimental ^0.7.3
24K 4 icu_pattern optional ^0.7.3
1.5K 1 icu_locale_core ^0.7.3
2.7K 1 icu_datagen optional ^0.7.3
320 icu_transliterate ^0.7.2
170 icu_provider_source ^0.7.3
120 flf ^0.7.0
1 icu_locale_canonicalizer ^0.4
icu_provider_cldr ^0.3.0
filtration-domination ^0.3.0
4 lmfu optional ^0.7.0
400 2 micromap dev ^0.7.0
flat_bit_set dev ^0.7.3