linux-raw-sys is used at run time in 14,039 crates (of which 14,028 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 9 crates. It's used at build time in 1,973 crates (of which 1,973 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 3,449 crates.

Number of dependers linux-raw-sys version Downloads/month
4 0.6.4 40K
18,485 0.4.13 6.5M
639 0.3.8 2.5M
1 0.2.2 16
273 0.1.4 784K
43 0.0.46 38K
14 0.0.42 7.5K
1 0.0.36 1.7K
1 0.0.28 460
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) linux-raw-sys version
10.9M 145 rustix ^0.4.12
2.1M 54 xattr ^0.4.11
49K 2 drm-sys ^0.6
320 3 origin ^0.4.9
130 2 libfs ^0.6.4
linux-stat ^0.4.3
nswrap ^0.4.3
4 homestar-workspace-hack ^0.4
sjlj ^0.2.1