#linear-interpolation #generic #dimension #checking #intermediate #values #type


generic linear interpolation; should support dimension checking types etc by virtue of using fully generic intermediate values

4 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.3 Dec 23, 2017
0.1.2 Dec 23, 2017
0.1.1 Dec 23, 2017
0.1.0 Dec 23, 2017

#16 in #intermediate

Used in array3d

MIT license

81 lines

generic linear interpolation;

Should support dimension checking types etc by virtue of using fully generic intermediate values.

Also includes various related functions:

y = y0.lerp(&y1, t) t=inv_lerp(&y,&y0,&y1)
t.lerp_points(&x0,&x1, &y0,&y1) , and (y0,y1).lerp_by(t))

where 't' is a dimensionless blending factor, x's and y's are types with potentially different dimensions.

y0.lerp(&y1,t).inv_lerp(&y0,&y1) == x x.lerp_points(&x0,&x1, &y0,&y1) == y0.lerp(&y1,&x.inv_lerp(&x0,&x1))

Uses reference args, anticipating use with non trivial types eg vectors, image arrays, etc. However the factor is a simple value, anticipated to usually be f32

(also includes a helper 'pair_with()' for making tuples sequentially, e.g. x0.pair_with(&x1).lerp_by(t)

No runtime deps