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#27 in #relation

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Used in liminal-ark-relations


632 lines


This crate provides snark_relation procedural macro for concise defining SNARK relations. Given minimal relation definition, this macro will generate all the required code for creating and casting partial relation objects, public input serialization and circuit generation.

General usage

The #[snark_relation] attribute is intended for modules. Such module must define two items:

  1. relation object: the collection of all constant, public and private relation data. The struct must be defined with #[relation_object_definition] attribute. All other attributes will be preserved.
  2. circuit definition: the circuit form. The function must be defined with #[circuit_definition] attribute. The signature can be arbitrary: function body will be used in ark_relations::r1cs::ConstraintSynthesizer trait implementation. All function attributes (like feature-gating or linting) are preserved and added at the impl level.

Provided with these inputs, the macro will generate following items (outside the module).

  • Three new public structs: <R>WithoutInput, <R>WithPublicInput and <R>WithFullInput, where <R> is the name of the relation object struct. The first one will have only constants as its fields, the second one will have additionally public inputs, and the last one will have all the data.
  • new(..) constructors for every struct. Important: the order of constructor arguments is: all the constants, then public inputs, and at the end private inputs. The order in each group is inherited from the relation object definition.
  • Getters for the fields. For constants, the signature is fn <field>(&self) -> &<field_type>. For public and private inputs, the signature is fn <field>(&self) -> Result<&<field_type>, SynthesisError>. All the structs have the same set of getters. When a field is missing, SynthesisError::MissingAssignment is returned.
  • Conversions from <R>WithFullInput to <R>WithPublicInput and from <R>WithPublicInput to <R>WithoutInput.
  • A serialize_public_input(&self) method for <R>WithPublicInput.
  • Implementation of ConstraintSynthesizer trait for <R>WithoutInput (with setup mode check).
  • Implementation of ConstraintSynthesizer trait for <R>WithFullInput.
mod relation {
    struct SomeRelation {
        a: CF,
        b: CF,
        c: CF,

    fn generate_circuit() -> ark_relations::r1cs::Result<()> {

All the imports (use items) that are present in the module will be copied and moved outside (together with the generated items).

Field attributes

Fields can have additional modifiers. Constants and private inputs can be enriched with:

  • frontend type (e.g. #[private_input(frontend_type = "u32")]) - this specifies what type should be expected in the constructors. The item type (the backend one) will be then created from frontend value and used later on.
  • frontend value parser (e.g. #[private_input(frontend_type = "u32", parse_with = "u32_to_CF")]) - this is the method that will be used for translating frontend value to the backend type in the constructors. Unless specified, .into() will be used. It cannot be used without frontend_type.

Public inputs can have one more modifier:

  • serializator (e.g. #[public_input(serialize_with = "flatten_sequence")]) - the serialization process should result in Vec<CF> (where CF is the circuit field type). By default, every public input will be firstly wrapped into a singleton vector (vec![input]), and then, the ordered results will be flattened with .concat(). In case your input requires some other way to fit into (usually flattening), you can pass you custom serializator.

All the values in modifiers (function names, types) must be passed as string literals (within "").

use ark_std::{One, Zero};
use snark_relation_proc_macro::snark_relation;

use crate::CircuitField;

fn parse_u16(x: u16) -> CircuitField {

fn byte_to_bits<F: Zero + One + Copy>(byte: &u8) -> Vec<F> {
   let mut bits = [F::zero(); 8];
   for (idx, bit) in bits.iter_mut().enumerate() {
       if (byte >> idx) & 1 == 1 {
           *bit = F::one();

mod relation {
   struct SomeRelation {
       a: u8,
       #[public_input(frontend_type = "u16", parse_with = "parse_u16")]
       b: CF,
       #[private_input(frontend_type = "u32")]
       c: u64,
       #[public_input(serialize_with = "byte_to_bits")]
       d: u8,

   fn generate_circuit() -> ark_relations::r1cs::Result<()> {


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