libxml is used at run time in 96 crates (of which 3 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 18 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 2 crates.

Number of dependers libxml version Downloads/month
97 0.3.3 24K
1 0.2.16 800
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) libxml version
3.7K 3 hurl ^0.3.3
7.9K samael optional ^0.3.1
2.1K 4 hurl_core ^0.3.3
1.0K xmlsec ^0.3
550 71 surge-imports ^0.3.0
370 dfe ^0.3.3
250 xml_c14n ^0.3.3
220 2 article_scraper ^0.3
news-flash ^0.3
libxslt ^0.3.0
orly =0.3.3
readah ^0.2
2 impostor_core ^0.3.3
s100 ^0.3
xisf-rs ^0.3.3
article-extractor ^0.3
330 1 dyer optional ^0.3.1
1 reqwest-scraper optional ^0.3