#novel #webnovel #scrapper


A Rust crate enabling users to get chapters of a webnovel, with multiple available backends

12 releases (6 breaking)

new 0.7.1 Sep 17, 2024
0.7.0 Sep 16, 2024
0.6.0 Sep 16, 2024
0.5.0 Sep 15, 2024
0.1.1 Sep 5, 2024

#217 in Data structures

Download history 461/week @ 2024-09-02 385/week @ 2024-09-09

846 downloads per month
Used in libwebnovel-storage





This crate deals with webnovels. You can see it as a way to access different webnovel hosting sites and be able to get their contents.

Since there are times we don't have Internet access, such as when riding some trains, downloading to disk in a convenient format seems the way to go.


Say you want to create a software that will generate epubs from a given fiction url. This could be expressed by something like the following:

use libwebnovel::{Backend, Backends, Chapter};

fn main() {
    // Get the backend matching the given URL
    let fiction_backend =
    // Get all the chapters of the webnovel
    let chapters = fiction_backend.get_chapters().unwrap();

    // write the resulting epub
    let epub_path = format!("{}.epub", fiction_backend.title().unwrap());
    let mut f = File::create(&epub_path).unwrap();
    write_chapters_to_epub(&mut f, &chapters).unwrap();

    // Since this code example also sort of serves as an integration test,
    // remove the created file :p

fn write_chapters_to_epub(writer: &impl Write, chapters: &[Chapter]) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
    // do stuff to create the ebook here

See Backends for more information on how to use the library. The documentation of the Backend trait may also be useful, especially if you want to implement an other backend (don't forget to share it with the main repository!).

Supported providers

Cargo features

Each available backend matches a cargo feature that can be enabled or disabled.

By default, only the royalroad and freewebnovel are enabled. libread is disabled by default since (in my meager experience) it is simply a different frontend for freewebnovel.

if you want all features, including the default ones:

# Cargo.toml
libwebnovel = {version="*", features = ["all"]}

Crate features / Task list

  • Find a way to handle something other than text content:
    • images
    • tables
    • chapter headers ?
    • chapter footers ?
  • Add more backends:
    • libread
    • freewebnovel
    • royalroad
    • scribblehub - May be complicated because of cloudflare
    • suggestions?
  • implement an async version to get a better throughput. May be important for images?
  • create a binary using this lib to save webnovels to disk. It may also serve as a sample implementation? See libwebnovel-storage
  • implement a way to get an Ordering between chapters. That enables us to detect collisions and still sort chapters that may have their indexes altered, such as in the case of removal in the source.
  • Add a way to detect potential collisions without requesting each individual chapter.
  • Add a way to get the chapter url & parent fiction url from a given chapter.
  • maybe find a way to parse a chapter index/number as to not overwrite local files when chapters are deleted on the backend -> done via Backends::get_ordering_function.
  • add a way to get the cover image of the fiction, for epub generation.

Without explicit refutation in the header of any file in this repository, all files in this repository are considered under the terms of the AGPL-3 license (of which a copy can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository) and bearing the mention "Copyright (c) 2024 paulollivier & contributors".

Basically, please do not use this code without crediting its writer(s) or for a commercial project.

License: AGPL-3.0-or-later


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