Cargo Features

libcrux-ml-kem = { version = "0.0.2-alpha.3", default-features = false, features = ["simd128", "simd256", "mlkem512", "mlkem768", "mlkem1024", "kyber", "pre-verification", "std"] }
default = mlkem1024, mlkem512, mlkem768, std

By default all variants and std are enabled.


Hardware features can be force enabled.
It is not recommended to use these. This crate performs CPU feature detection and enables the features when they are available.

Enables simd128 of libcrux-intrinsics and libcrux-sha3


Enables simd256 of libcrux-intrinsics and libcrux-sha3

mlkem512 default

Features for the different key sizes of ML-KEM

Affects kyber::kyber512, libcrux-ml-kem::mlkem512, libcrux-ml-kem::kyber512, libcrux-ml-kem::mlkem512

mlkem768 default

Affects kyber::kyber768, libcrux-ml-kem::mlkem768, libcrux-ml-kem::kyber768, libcrux-ml-kem::mlkem768

mlkem1024 default

Affects kyber::kyber1024, libcrux-ml-kem::mlkem1024, libcrux-ml-kem::kyber1024, libcrux-ml-kem::mlkem1024


Enable Round 3 Kyber in addition to ML-KEM


Code that is not yet verified

std default