Cargo Features

lexical-parse-float = { version = "0.8.5", default-features = false, features = ["std", "power-of-two", "radix", "format", "compact", "safe", "nightly", "f16", "lint", "f128"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever lexical-parse-float is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default

Use the standard library.

Enables std of lexical-parse-integer and lexical-util

Affects float::powf, float::powd

power-of-two radix?

Add support for parsing power-of-two float strings.

Enables power-of-two of lexical-parse-integer and lexical-util

Affects shared::calculate_power2

radix = power-of-two

Add support for parsing non-decimal float strings.

Enables radix of lexical-parse-integer and lexical-util

Affects bigint::Bigfloat, bigint::large_quorem, slow::byte_comp, slow::compare_bytes


Add support for parsing custom float formats.

Enables format of lexical-parse-integer and lexical-util


Reduce code size at the cost of performance.

Enables compact of lexical-parse-integer and lexical-util

Affects float::powf, float::powd


Ensure only safe indexing is used. This is effectively a no-op, since all examples of potential memory unsafety are trivial to prove safe.

Enables safe of lexical-parse-integer


Add support for nightly-only features.

Enables nightly of lexical-parse-integer


Enable support for 16-bit floats.

Enables f16 of lexical-util


Internal only features.
Enable the lint checks.

Enables lint of lexical-parse-integer and lexical-util


Currently unsupported.
Enable support for 128-bit floats.

Enables f128 of lexical-util