#lark #ide #repl #build #compiler #evaluation #interaction

nightly lark-cli

The CLI for the Lark compiler, which can initiate a build, IDE interaction, REPL, and evaluation

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 15, 2019

#17 in #lark

Used in 3 crates (2 directly)

Custom license

11K SLoC

The CLI for the Lark compiler, which can initiate a build, IDE interaction, REPL, and evaluation.

  lark build <file> [<output>] - compiles the given file
  lark run <file>              - runs the given file
  lark repl                    - REPL/interactive mode
  lark ide                     - run the Lark languge server/IDE support

For more information, see the main readme and internals doc.


~286K SLoC