Cargo Features

laddu = { version = "0.1.16", default-features = false, features = ["extension-module", "rayon", "f32", "python", "pyo3", "numpy", "num_cpus"] }
default = python, rayon

These default features are set whenever laddu is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

extension-module python

Enables extension-module of pyo3


Use this feature when building an extension module.
It tells the linker to keep the python symbols unresolved,
so that the module can also be used with statically linked python interpreters.

rayon default

Enables rayon

Affects amplitudes::Amplitude.precompute_all, data::open, likelihoods::MinimizerOptions, likelihoods::MCMCOptions, variables::Variable.value_on


Enables f32 of ganesh

Affects laddu::Float, laddu::PI

python default = extension-module, num_cpus, numpy, pyo3

Affects laddu::python

pyo3 extension-module? python

Enables pyo3

numpy python

Enables numpy

num_cpus python

Enables num_cpus