#subgraph #algorithm #graph #finding #website #crawler #bipartite


A library implementing algorithms finding large bipartite subgraphs

2 releases

0.1.1 Dec 13, 2022
0.1.0 Dec 11, 2022

#7 in #subgraph

40 downloads per month

MIT/Apache and GPL-2.0 licenses

633 lines


My thesis about algorithms finding large bipartite subgraphs written in the Rust language.

A structure representing undirected graphs, a crawler to scan a websites network and the algorithm introduced in "Finding bipartite subgraphs efficiently" by Dhruv Mubayi and Gyorgy Turan were implemented.


Make sure to install Rust environment together with Cargo tool according to the instruction at Rust official page.

The whole implementation was written in Rust 1.62.0 and is guaranteed to work with this version or a newer one.

After installment please run cargo build --lib which will build a file named liblabisu.rlib that can be later referenced in other projects in Rust by adding a dependency to the file in the new project Cargo.toml file.


The documentation is not attached as it can be easily generated using the Cargo tool. One needs to simply run the cargo doc command to build a documentation in HTML that can be open in any browser.

Moreover each function or method that can be used by other projects is well documented in the source code itself.


~386K SLoC