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0.2.0 Oct 14, 2021
0.1.2 Dec 14, 2020
0.1.1 Dec 7, 2020

#368 in Asynchronous

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kuska handshake

kuska means together in Runasimi

kuska is an implementation of decentralized social network Secure Scuttlebut written in rust, it does not aim to provide a user interface and the functionality implemented in some clients like Patchwork, Patchbay, but the full set of libraries to be able to develop applications for the secure scuttlebut network.

kuska-handshake is the implementation of the handhake and box stream used in SSB, detailed information about the protocol can be found in https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/.

the current implementation contains:

  • an agnostic implementation of the protcol using sodiumoxide
  • a synchronous version (needs sync feature)
  • an asynchronous async_std version (needs async_std feature, with wrappers for tokio with tokio_compat feature)

sync client/server


Create the server key pair

let (pk, sk) = ed25519::gen_keypair();
let pk_b64 = base64::encode_config(&pk, base64::STANDARD);

Define the network to connect

let net_id_hex = "d4a1cb88a66f02f8db635ce26441cc5dac1b08420ceaac230839b755845a9ffb";
let net_id = auth::Key::from_slice(&hex::decode(net_id_hex).unwrap()).unwrap();

Listen, accept the socket, and perform the handshake

let listener = TcpListener::bind(...).unwrap();
let (socket, addr) = listener.accept().unwrap();
let handshake = handshake_server(&socket, net_id, pk, sk)?;

Once the handshake is performed, create both box streams, one to send and another to recieve data, those box streams implements std::io::Read and std::io::Write to perform usual i/o operations on them.

let (key_nonce_send, key_nonce_recv) = KeyNonce::from_handshake(handshake);
let (mut box_stream_read, mut box_stream_write) =
        BoxStream::new(&socket, &socket, key_nonce_send, key_nonce_recv).split_read_write();



Create the client key pair

let (pk, sk) = ed25519::gen_keypair();
let pk_b64 = base64::encode_config(&pk, base64::STANDARD);

Connect to the server, perform the handshake (you need the server public key), and create the box streams to communicate

let socket = TcpStream::connect(...).unwrap();
let handshake = handshake_client(&socket, net_id, pk, sk, server_pk)?;

let (key_nonce_send, key_nonce_recv) = KeyNonce::from_handshake(handshake);
let (mut box_stream_read, mut box_stream_write) =
  BoxStream::new(&socket, &socket, key_nonce_send, key_nonce_recv).split_read_write();


async_std client

The async_std client is analogous to the sync version, just all functions are async and uses async_std::io::Read and async_std::io::Write for box streams

use async_std::io::{Read,Write};
use async_std::net::TcpStream;
use kuska_handshake::async_std::{handshake_client,BoxStream};

async fn main() -> Result<T, Box<dyn Error>> {
  let mut socket = TcpStream::connect("").await?;
  let (_,handshake) = handshake_client(&mut socket, ssb_net_id(), pk, sk, server_pk).await?;

  let (box_stream_read, box_stream_write) =
      BoxStream::from_handhake(&socket, &socket, handshake, 0x8000)

tokio client

To use the tokio you need the wrappers used in kuska_handshake::async_std::tokio_compat:

use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use kuska_handshake::async_std::{BoxStream,handshake_client,TokioCompatExt,TokioCompatExtRead,TokioCompatExtWrite};

let tokio_socket : TcpStream = TcpStream::connect("").await?;
let asyncstd_socket = TokioCompatExt::wrap(tokio_socket);

let (asyncstd_socket,handshake) = handshake_client(asyncstd_socket, ssb_net_id(), pk, sk.clone(), pk).await?;
let mut tokio_socket = asyncstd_socket.into_inner();
let (read,write) = tokio_socket.split();

let read = TokioCompatExtRead::wrap(read);
let write = TokioCompatExtWrite::wrap(write);

let (box_stream_read, box_stream_write) =
    BoxStream::from_handhake(read, write, handshake, 0x8000)


~154K SLoC