#terminal-text #printing #little #silly #kolored

bin+lib kolorz

A silly little library for printing kolored text to the terminal

9 breaking releases

0.10.0 Feb 11, 2024
0.8.0 Nov 21, 2023
0.3.0 Jun 28, 2023

#3 in #silly

Used in 2 crates

MIT license

351 lines

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❖ Information

kolorz is a silly little library for printing kolored text to the terminal

❖ Installation

Add kolorz to your project's Cargo.toml:

kolorz = "0.10.0"

❖ Basic Usage

// print kolored text
use kolorz::Kolor;

fn main() {
    let mocha = Kolor::new("catppuccin mocha");
    println!("{}", mocha.red("This is red"));

❖ The following kolorschemes are available:

❖ The following kolors are available on all of the kolorschemes:

  • red (0)
  • purple (1)
  • blue (2)
  • green (3)
  • orange (4)
  • yellow (5)
  • text (6)
  • random (picks a random color from above)
  • numbered (allows the user to pick a kolor by number)

❖ Kustom Kolorz are also available

// custom kolorz from hex
use kolorz::HexKolorize;

fn main() {
    println!("{}", "This is peach".kolorize("#fab387"));
// custom kolorz from RGB
use kolorz::RGBKolorize;

fn main() {
    println!("{}", "This is red".kolorize((235, 160, 172)));

❖ What's New?

0.10.0 - Add numbered method to call kolorz a number

