#coverage #generated #fix #data #line #file #kcov

yanked kcov-coverage-fix

Fix coverage data generated by kcov

0.1.0 Dec 11, 2019

#48 in #fix

MIT license

638 lines


Version License: MIT Twitter: Kogia_sima

Rustc is known to report an incorrect coverage for some lines (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32521800/why-does-kcov-calculate-incorrect-code-coverage-statistics-for-rust-programs). kcov-coverage-fix will read coverage from cobertura.xml (generated by kcov), fix it, then overwrites the original file.

How is the incorrect line coverage detected

kcov-coverage-fix will mark as non-executable line:

1. Line that contain only closing braces or only else statements

if a > 0 {
    b = a
} else {  // <-- marked as "not executable"
    b = -a
};  // <-- marked as "not executable"

2. Line that includes struct declaration but not contains struct field declarations.

pub struct Parser<R: BufRead> {  // <-- marked as "not executable"
    reader: R


👤 Kogia-sima

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Copyright © 2019 Kogia-sima.

This project is MIT licensed.

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~85K SLoC