Cargo Features

kas-theme has no features set by default.

kas-theme = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["nightly", "internal_doc", "config", "dark-light"] }

To build locally:
RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg doc_cfg" cargo +nightly doc --features=internal_doc,nightly,config --open


Enables documentation of APIs for shells and internal usage.
This API is not intended for use by end-user applications and thus is omitted from built documentation by default.
This flag does not change the API, only built documentation.

Enables internal_doc of kas-core ^0.12.0

Rename package purely for convenience:


Enable config read/write

Enables serde, config of kas-core ^0.12.0

Affects traits::ThemeConfig


Automatically detect usage of dark theme

Enables dark-light ^0.2.2