#jwt #token #json #line #command #command-line #decoder

bin+lib jwt-decoder

A small command line utility to parse out json web token

3 unstable releases

0.2.1 Mar 17, 2019
0.2.0 Mar 17, 2019
0.1.0 Mar 17, 2019

#178 in #jwt


114 lines

JWT Decoder

This is a simple rust program that decodes a json web token.

You can read more about JWTs in RFC 7519

Building the Rust Program

To build the project you need to run cargo build

Running the Rust Program

You can run the program by issuing a command like this:

cargo run $(go run generate_token.go)

The part $() is command substitution in bash and essentially executes a little go program that I wrote that creates a JWT that is deserialized into the type specified in src/main.rs

If you don't have GO installed then you can simply run this in the command line:

cargo run eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJCYWRhc3NlcyIsImV4cCI6MTMwMDgxOTM4MCwiaWF0IjoxMzAwODE5MzgyLCJpc3MiOiJKb2huIFJhbWJvIiwianRpIjoib25lUmFuZG9tZVN0cmluZzEyMzQ1NiIsIm5iZiI6MTMwMDgxOTM4MSwic3ViIjoiTHVrZSBDYWdlIn0.7DtGRRz6YGc8hKr8o8ll6cIx7MRhyQTWpAgxz25cxyw

which is the JWT that the go program generates


~58K SLoC