#json-rpc #echo-server #command-line-tool #tcp #calls #statistics #executing

bin+lib jlot

Command-line tool for JSON-RPC 2.0 over JSON Lines over TCP

4 releases

new 0.1.3 Sep 13, 2024
0.1.2 Sep 11, 2024
0.1.1 Sep 10, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 5, 2024

#939 in Network programming

Download history 109/week @ 2024-08-31 378/week @ 2024-09-07

487 downloads per month

MIT license

590 lines


jlot Documentation Actions Status License

This is a command-line tool for JSON-RPC 2.0 over JSON Lines over TCP.

$ cargo install jlot

$ jlot
Command-line tool for JSON-RPC 2.0 over JSON Lines over TCP

Usage: jlot <COMMAND>

  call             Execute a JSON-RPC call
  stream-call      Execute a stream of JSON-RPC calls received from the standard input
  req              Generate a JSON-RPC request object JSON
  stats            Calculate statistics from JSON objects outputted by executing the command `stream-call --add-metadata ...`
  run-echo-server  Run a JSON-RPC echo server (for development or testing purposes)
  help             Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version


Basic RPC call

Start an echo server in a terminal:

$ jlot run-echo-server

Execute an RPC call in another terminal:

$ jlot call $(jlot req hello '["world"]' --id 2) | jq .
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "id": 2,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "hello",
    "params": [
  "id": 2


Start an echo server in a terminal:

$ jlot run-echo-server

Execute 1000 RPC calls with pipelining enabled and gather the statistics:

$ jlot req put --id 0 --count 1000 | \
    jlot stream-call --pipelining 10 --add-metadata | \
    jlot stats | \
    jq .
  "duration": 0.378478,
  "max_concurrency": 10,
  "count": {
    "calls": 1000,
    "batch_calls": 0,
    "missing_metadata_calls": 0,
    "requests": 1000,
    "responses": {
      "ok": 1000,
      "error": 0
  "rps": 2642.1614994794945,
  "bps": {
    "outgoing": 864303.8697097321,
    "incoming": 1622921.2794402845
  "latency": {
    "min": 9.525e-05,
    "p25": 0.000223541,
    "p50": 0.0003005,
    "p75": 0.010511875,
    "max": 0.012503042,
    "avg": 0.003430977


~52K SLoC